ATKINS DIET. Anyone else done it? How was your experience?



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I did it. I lost weight, had terrible muscle tone, acne, was bitter, regular migranes, drempt about pastries (which made me even more bitter), still had a belly, and put on twice the amount of weight that I took off when I reverted back to a normal diet.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I eat the "Atkins" way, and really love it. What is this pound of bacon and cheese that I hear of? Who would do that to themselves? Above anything, Atkins stresses getting healthy carbs from veggies and some fruits. It advises staying away from sugary crap, and filler foods like bread, pasta, etc.

    Today I had a grilled chicken caesar salad. It had about 3 cups of mixed lettuces, 1/4 cup of tomatos, 1/4 cup cucumbers, a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, and a standard serving (2 tbsp) of dressing

    Tonight I might have some herb roasted chicken with cauliflower mash, some steamed brocolli, and a few shavings of parmesan cheese

    ...REAL extreme right? LOL
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I eat the "Atkins" way, and really love it. What is this pound of bacon and cheese that I hear of? Who would do that to themselves? Above anything, Atkins stresses getting healthy carbs from veggies and some fruits. It advises staying away from sugary crap, and filler foods like bread, pasta, etc.

    Today I had a grilled chicken caesar salad. It had about 3 cups of mixed lettuces, 1/4 cup of tomatos, 1/4 cup cucumbers, a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, and a standard serving (2 tbsp) of dressing

    Tonight I might have some herb roasted chicken with cauliflower mash, some steamed brocolli, and a few shavings of parmesan cheese

    ...REAL extreme right? LOL

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  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member

    First, you have an incredibly learned doctor, for recommending the Atkins diet. He/she must keep up with his research!

    Most doctors (MDs) are trained in disease, not health. MDs do not get much education or training in health and nutrition. And I doubt research on Atkins is at the top of their list of things to read up on.

    I'm sorry, but any doctor that doesn't keep up with all facets of their patients' health is a doctor that I don't want to go to. Nutrition is a HUGE part of health for say, cardiac patients, diabetes, liver diseases, epilepsy, arthritis and so on. Do you really think that doctors don't keep up with that?

    And Nutritionists that don't keep up on it, and mistakenly keep pushing a, failed, food pyramid should be ashamed of themselves. My metabolism isn't the same as yours, or the person behind you, or the person to the left of you. Why should we each have a cookie-cut-out food pyramid?

    To answer the OP:
    I am an Atkins dieter. After failing at just about every other diet under the sun, I have found low carb works for me. I have no problem staying on this lifestyle forever.
    The first few days to a week are miserable because your body is getting rid of the addiction of carbs and learning to burn fat for energy.
    Not all people are the same. It may not work for you like it does for others. Research!
    Buy an Atkins book and read it. Don't guess and follow myths, please.
    If you're afraid of Atkins, you could try something like the South Beach Diet. Which is a little more liberal with carbs.

    Best of luck to you in your decision!
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    I did it. I lost weight, had terrible muscle tone, acne, was bitter, regular migranes, drempt about pastries (which made me even more bitter), still had a belly, and put on twice the amount of weight that I took off when I reverted back to a normal diet.

    The diet is definitely not for everybody but it sounds to me like you may not have done it correctly.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Girlfriend did it. Lost a ton of weight. Gained it all back and more. If you think you can go the rest of your life without eating bread products have at it. I know I couldn't. I can't think of many people who could.

    You know how whole grains are a recommended part of a healthy diet? They mean that.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Girlfriend did it. Lost a ton of weight. Gained it all back and more. If you think you can go the rest of your life without eating bread products have at it. I know I couldn't. I can't think of many people who could.

    You know how whole grains are a recommended part of a healthy diet? They mean that.
    Any diet you stop doing and then go back to eating the way you did before is going to "fail." If I stop eating 1200 calories and low fat and go back to 2000+ calories and all of the junk I want, I'll put weight back on, too.

    But you're right, if someone can't "live" without carbs, Atkins isn't a good choice. Of course, there's nothing saying that you can't have whole grains while eating lower carb. I have a whole wheat tortilla quite often, actually, to wrap my turkey, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. I just wouldn't eat one for every meal.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I did it. I lost weight, had terrible muscle tone, acne, was bitter, regular migranes, drempt about pastries (which made me even more bitter), still had a belly, and put on twice the amount of weight that I took off when I reverted back to a normal diet.

    The diet is definitely not for everybody but it sounds to me like you may not have done it correctly.

    Maybe, maybe not, but my mom and sister both had the same side effects.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Wasn't a good diet for me since I don't eat a lot of meat. I had an ex boyfriend that lost 30 pounds on it though. If you do go the Atkins is something you have to stick with. I would read everything you can find on it.'

    Good luck!
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Lost 60+ pounds with Atkins and gained it back just as fast as I lost it. I felt terrible the entire time. It's about a lifestyle change, it took me a long time to realize that. Now, I'm fine with losing just one pound per week and doing it the right way.
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Lost 60+ pounds with Atkins and gained it back just as fast as I lost it. I felt terrible the entire time. It's about a lifestyle change, it took me a long time to realize that. Now, I'm fine with losing just one pound per week and doing it the right way.

    Oh, and YES, I read the book and followed it obsessively. When I started to incorporate regular food back in slowly, the weight kept coming back on. I can't live without carbs forever, so it wasn't for me.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Lost 60+ pounds with Atkins and gained it back just as fast as I lost it. I felt terrible the entire time. It's about a lifestyle change, it took me a long time to realize that. Now, I'm fine with losing just one pound per week and doing it the right way.

    Oh, and YES, I read the book and followed it obsessively. When I started to incorporate regular food back in slowly, the weight kept coming back on. I can't live without carbs forever, so it wasn't for me.

    But you do eat carbs from day one on Atkins. If you were not getting any carbs in, then you were doing it wrong. Is it that you couldn't live without rice, bread, pasta, and sweets? Not trying to argue with you at all...
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I'm a meth addict. When I stopped taking meth, I felt like crap! I was irritable, and wanted to fight everybody so I started using again after a week.

    Meth made me feel good, I had tons of energy, so much that I'd clean my bathroom everyday... with a toothbrush. If you can go the rest of your life without meth, more power to you. I couldn't give it up.

  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I'm a meth addict. When I stopped taking meth, I felt like crap! I was irritable, and wanted to fight everybody so I started using again after a week.

    Meth made me feel good, I had tons of energy, so much that I'd clean my bathroom everyday... with a toothbrush. If you can go the rest of your life without meth, more power to you. I couldn't give it up.


    Love this!
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    But you do eat carbs from day one on Atkins. If you were not getting any carbs in, then you were doing it wrong. Is it that you couldn't live without rice, bread, pasta, and sweets? Not trying to argue with you at all...

    I get what you're saying. The carbs I craved were not the carbs I was getting. I felt like I was depriving myself and it didn't work forever. If it works for you, that's awesome!
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm actually on the Atkins diet right now! I've been on it for a good 2 weeks now and before that 2 weeks weeding off my other diet and slowly adjusting to Atkins. It's only early days for me yet but my weight has been at a plato for a couple of months and since being on the Atkins the weight is starting to shift. I've lost about a kilo over the 2 weeks approx: I've only got to loose 1 and half kilo's and I'll be right back to my goal weight again. The Atkins diet is easy for me to follow because my diet before hand was pretty much similar. I love coming in from a serious workout in the swimming pool and diving into a big fry up! and look! NO sugar. after all once that white stuff hits your system it just turns to fat. I don't miss the bready things in life. I'm lucky like that. Pizza? I've never come across a piece of grub that is so over rated! I never touch anyhow.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    Gah!!! Your brain and your body need (good) carbs!!!! "Dr" Atkins should burn in hell, along with "Dr" Bernstein.

    What an incredibly ignorant and disguusting statement.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Girlfriend did it. Lost a ton of weight. Gained it all back and more. If you think you can go the rest of your life without eating bread products have at it. I know I couldn't. I can't think of many people who could.

    You know how whole grains are a recommended part of a healthy diet? They mean that.

    The low carb diet is a lifetime lifestyle change. If you go into it knowing you aren't capable of giving up certain things for good, or at least knowing you are going to eat them extremely rarely, this is not the diet for you imo.

    I don't want to get into a whole debate over whether or not whole grains are necessary or even particularly good for you, however, even lovers of grain have to admit that there are many people with grain sensitivities or outright allergies. Celiac disease and gluten sensitives are particularly common. For such a wonderful substance, a lot of the population don't tolerate grains very well.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    After losing 12 lbs and plateauing, my dr told me go one Atkins. Its day 2. I think Ill be able to do it. I just feel weird not eating bread!! I feel hungry a lot. The good thing about bread was that it fills you up. I feel like i have to eat a lot more to be satisfied. I feel like im eating way too many fat grams.

    Did you like the diet?
    How long did you stick with it?
    How much weight did you lose?
    Any other suggestions about atikins?
    My experience: It worked great while I did it, I lost 30 pounds, then I got happy with my weight, stopped doing the diet, and gained it back. To be fair, that's pretty much my experience with every other weight control method too . . .
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Lost 60+ pounds with Atkins and gained it back just as fast as I lost it. I felt terrible the entire time. It's about a lifestyle change, it took me a long time to realize that. Now, I'm fine with losing just one pound per week and doing it the right way.

    Oh, and YES, I read the book and followed it obsessively. When I started to incorporate regular food back in slowly, the weight kept coming back on. I can't live without carbs forever, so it wasn't for me.

    The diet isn't about living completely without carbs. Don't you consider vegetables carbs? You can essentially eat all of them them you want on this type diet. What you really need to give up completely are refined sugars and starches. I don't know what you mean by "regular" food because that is pretty vague but if you are trying to incorporate back refined sugars and starches into your diet, then it was bound to fail. I'm pretty sure that is described in the book.