I need your help.

I never thought I'd ask, but I need help from you guys. No matter how motivated I am to lose these 25 pounds, the motivation seems to vanish after a few days. I CANNOT stay consistent. I binge after a few days of healthy eating and exercise.. I end up canceling out those good days with the bad days. I try to stay positive, I do, but it's so hard. Especially when my period comes every three weeks instead of every four. The cravings can be intense, but still, I know it's all in my head.

Please, I don't mean to sound desperate, but I am.

I know that if i don't do something now, the weight will just continue to pile on.

If anyone out there can help, it would be much appreciated.



  • thinmeto90
    You should be honest and log ALL your foods. Your MFP friends will look at it and it makes you feel more accountable for your eating. If you have a bad day, you get support, MANY bad days and you should feel embarrassed, but never lie on your log. Sometimes I think "what will my MFP friends think if I eat this much?" It really does help.
  • h82bfat
    h82bfat Posts: 77
    We all get hungry...keep healthy snacks on hand.
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    First of all, I just wanted to say that I understand what you're going through... I've been and still am in the same situation. To help me out of the rut, I made my food diary public to my MFP friends. Knowing that others would see what I've eaten made me a little more accountable, because when I binge eat, I do it by myself. But making my diary public means that all of my friends would be there while I was bingeing.
    Also, maybe you're not getting enough of certain nutrients, which could be contributing to your bingeing.
    Additionally, I find that I've been eating more simple carbs or sugar, I just keep on eating more, so trying to not even eat those in the first place might help limit your bingeing.
    Healthy snacks for those times of the month. But I know that it's hard to stop snacking when the cravings are bad.
    It's really important to stay positive, the weight will come off, even if seems to be taking a long time.
    Good Luck!!
  • DashaDahling
    I agree with what everyone said above, and for me, it helps to have a goal to keep you motivated. It can be clothes, vacation, a party...something that will give you more satisfaction in the future then the quick high of a binge. Best of luck!