i want to be able to ________ ....

So, this might sound weird but i'm sure some women will understand it... bathing suit season is still in full swing in south carolina and as i was standing at awkward angles in my bathroom i realized that i can't wait to be able to shave my bikini line without having to hold up my stomach!!! SHEESH ridiculous (nevermind look good in that bikini in my drawer) :p
What do YOU want to be able to do?!


  • Michellerw1
    Stand/sit in a bathing suit without sucking my stomach in for dear life/covering my midsection with a towel.
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    Not look like I have a butt on both sides:laugh:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I want to be able to do a jumping side kick easily and without feeling after shocks when I land! (I do taekwondo and it's hard to get all of me up in the air with the extra weight on.)

    I don't know if this body will ever see a bikini again but I do have the stomach issue and can't wait for that ugly thing to be gone! It's shrinking but I sure wish it would move faster!
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    I want to be able to not worry about my "pouch" showing.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    I want to be able to be on top without having adjust various areas of my body to make it work... lmao
  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Have my boobs stick out farther than my stomach, without sucking in.

    And the shaving while having to move your stomach...my friends and I call that the "Helen Keller" shave because you are totally blind and dumb..lol
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I want to be able to do high impact exercises without my knees killing me! OH Yeah I also want to be able to look fit!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I want to be able to walk around in anything without being self conscious. I stand next to any toothpick tiny Asian girl and I look huge! I know I'm tiny compared to most people, but I swear my friends and family are all a breed of their own. They are the only people that think that they are big at a size 0. I know my issue is all mental because I thought I was fat at a size 00....when I was a size 2, I thought I was a blimp. Now, a size 0, in back to thinking I'm fat again. Ugh!
  • SarassicPark
    SarassicPark Posts: 117 Member
    I want to be healthy, of course... but also, I want to be able to shop without it having to be at a specifically plus size store that costs a lot more money. Or be at a normal store and have all the plus size clothes look like bags. That'd be nice, lol.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I want to be able to be on top without having adjust various areas of my body to make it work... lmao

    bahahaha... :) this makes me laugh!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I want to be able to be on top without having adjust various areas of my body to make it work... lmao

  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    So, this might sound weird but i'm sure some women will understand it... bathing suit season is still in full swing in south carolina and as i was standing at awkward angles in my bathroom i realized that i can't wait to be able to shave my bikini line without having to hold up my stomach!!! SHEESH ridiculous (nevermind look good in that bikini in my drawer) :p
    What do YOU want to be able to do?!

    I was just thinking something like this the other day!! I don't shave that area much as it doesn't ever see daylight (and I've gotten to the point in my marriage where my husband can just deal with it during bedroom moments)... but I do have to lift it up to wash under there and I'd LOVE to not have to go through that. It's like a slap in the face to me every shower (and everyone wonders why I hate showering, only do it because I have to).
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    sit down without my gut hanging over the top of my pants! YUCK. I always adjust my pants to "tuck" my gut in lol
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Sit on the floor, holding my knees to my chest. . . comfortably.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    To walk in a room and not feel like I need to hide behind someone... which doesn't work because I feel like I'm bigger than everyone so it's like, "Who's the hips hiding behind so-and-so?"

    Ride the kiddie rides with my daughter when she's a little older, but not old enough to go on alone :)
  • sweetsapphire85
    To wear form fitting clothing in public without feeling like every person in the room is staring at my roll or muffin top instead of my face.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Take a bath without my stomach making it's own island in the bubbles.
  • jsiler181
    Run because I enjoy it. Right now, it's so painful that I count down the seconds until my sprint is over. I can't wait to be one of those people who loves to run.

    Buy a bra in Victoria's Secret. At my size, in order to get pretty bras, I have to spend more at Lane Bryant and Frederick's.

    Wear a LBD and have all eyes on me...for the RIGHT reasons :)