Not really a newbie

Hey all. Im not really new to this site, I actually discovered it about a year ago. However, I have not used it since becoming pregnant 7 months ago. :happy: I was curious if anyone else on here is or has used this site during pregnancy and had any tips for after baby is born. Or maybe to control cravings? :grumble: Thanks.


  • opatt23
    Hey all. Im not really new to this site, I actually discovered it about a year ago. However, I have not used it since becoming pregnant 7 months ago. :happy: I was curious if anyone else on here is or has used this site during pregnancy and had any tips for after baby is born. Or maybe to control cravings? :grumble: Thanks.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I used fruit to control my cravings but during pregnancy it's hard to not eat them. Food tastes amazing when you are pregnant! So, I indulged a couple times a week. Take every day a day at a time and don't obsess about weight gain. I highly doubt , since you are conscience about your weight, that you'll let yourself gain too much. Enjoy your pregnancy and worry about counting calories after the baby comes.