the biggest

what is the biggest lie you ever told?????
what is the biggest meal you ever ate?????
when was you biggest embarrassing moment ????

umm i cant i have my period
omg the day after thanks giving mmm left overs
omg when i jumped in the pool and i didnt know my top rode up


  • big_beautiful
    common ppl
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    what is the biggest lie you ever told?????
    Oh yeah it was great for me too hun <---feel the need to point out that was my EX husband not my current one :laugh:

    what is the biggest meal you ever ate?????
    Definitely Thanksgiving with my parents

    when was you biggest embarrassing moment ????
    It was Christmas time so the Salvation Army was outside of Walmart asking for donations. I had taken my 2 year old shopping (BIG MISTAKE) and all day it was "Mommy can I have this" "Mommy can I have that" By the time we were walking out the door I was at my wits end and snapped "Kiera Mommy is not made of money!" Wouldn't have been so bad except the poor Salvation Army guy was just about to ask me to donate...he quickly shut his mouth and walked away while I silently prayed that the ground would open up and swallow me. I wanted to donate but I was afraid he wouldn't take my money :blushing:
  • big_beautiful
    lol good one
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    what is the biggest lie you ever told?????

    A few years ago my friends and I would make up complete lies about ourselves; jobs, names, where we lived, being married, (we were all single) it goes on. One night we had this whole group of guys convinced one of us was a porn star with her own series and that I produced the movies. They completely believed us. With smartphones we'd be totally busted in this day and age.

    We would totally mess with guys; it was just bar fun.

    what is the biggest meal you ever ate?????

    Brunch at Paris in Las Vegas. It was the day we were leaving, I had barely slept oreaten all weekend, I must have eaten several thousand calories. Everything was just amazing.

    when was you biggest embarrassing moment ????

    7th grade, Spanish class, 5 minutes until the end of the week on a Friday afternoon. My mother shows up to pick me up so I get called over the intercom for early release. I bend over to grab my bookbag and let out the loudest fart. The entire class erupts in laughter, I thought I was literally going to die!
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    lol good one

    At the time I was mortified but now I laugh thinking about it. I always donate to Salvation Army too as a direct result of this situation :laugh: