Hey Everyone/ Help!!!

johnwyattiv Posts: 3
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I just started working out again after letting myself slip for the past 4 months due to well lots of stuff lol. I know im ashamed of myself. But im on a deadline, I have 1 month to lose 10lbs so that I can go into the military. any tips on how to cut calories and to build upper body strength would be greatly appreciated. Also feel free to add me as a friend, I've found community encouragement helps so much.


  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I would suggest eliminating processed foods as much as possible; so, for instance, instead of a granola bar, have a couple pieces of fruit instead. Also, don't drink soda. I don't know about upper body strengthening. My son's recruiter went to the gym with him and gave him some workout tips. I think he said pull ups were the best exercise. Good luck, and thanks for your (future) service.
  • yvandnd
    yvandnd Posts: 1
    Hi! I easily lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks when I did the low carb diet. I stopped after 4 weeks because I was looking thinner than I wanted. :-)
    It basically cuts out ALL carbs and sugar from your diet. Stick with lean meat, vegetables (mainly leafy greens), and beans/legumes. Make sure you eat a protein meal for breakfast within 30-60 minutes of waking up. I mainly ate eggs, refried beans and spinach. What's great is you area allowed a cheat day where you can eat whatever you want, as much as you want! You can google the low carb diet or read it in Tim Ferriss's book the 4 Hour Body. It really works if you want to loose the 10lbs fast.
  • I have been on a 1500 calorie diet and have been doing mostly the treadmill at the gym. Look into what the ideal heart rate is for you to burn fat which can help you lose weight. For me it's around 125bpm. When I do that I lose weight really quickly. I lost about 7 pounds in 2 weeks. Also like yvandnd said, lower carbs, leaner protein will help too. For upper body strength, check with the trainer at the gym. I'm sure that there is excellent advice he or she can give you.
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    No shame, just change!

    I agree with above posters - cut the quick cheap calories like processed foods, sugar (in ANY form except natural no calorie like stevia; both sugar and artificial sweeteners can cause you to gain), pasta, breads, etc. I'm not a big believer in cutting out fat, but if you do cut down on fat just make sure you still get some healthy fats from oils, fish like salmon, nuts, and avocados. DON'T starve yourself - your body will get on to your scheme and it's *super* good at keeping you alive so it'll hang on to every last calorie you consume. Eat lots of veggies, some fruits, plenty of protein, and wholesome complex carbs.

    I'm terrible at upper body so I can't help a lot. I bragged to my boyfriend tonight that I was able to do two pushups... from the knees. "Feminine pushups" he called them ;) However, he's built like king kong, and I know he does lots of push ups and he's also worked with bench presses and pull ups. *shrug*

    Also! Since you happen to have one month, I'd suggest maybe trying one of Jillian Michael's 30 day programs. I guess I can't say for sure if it's as good for men as it is for women? But the biggest transformations I've seen people undergo within a month have been by using things like 30 Day Shred.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    I am 4 days into JM's 30 day shred. My arms and shoulders are sore already. They do quite a bit with upper body in workout one. Push ups, bicep curls, chest fly, and a couple other things. I haven't seen workouts 2 or 3 yet.
  • go to a store and buy the book 17 day diet honest to god u will loose well over the 10 lbs in a month. u should loose 10lbs or more with in the first 17 days! good luck
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