Sexy in Six Challenge: Pink Team (Closed Group)

Soon2BMrsRamos Posts: 93
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Hey Pink Team:


Are we ready to kick some butt and get sexy in six!!! I think yes!
If everyone could just list their name, goals. and weight loss thus far that would be great. Try to get to know the 10 of us!!!
Feel free to write on my wall any time!

My name is Ashley, I am 23 and a pediatric night nurse. My highest weight was in April of this year at 208lbs. I was 202lbs when I joined MFP in May and now down to 191.8lbs and 28 3/4 inches gone. I am a VERY picky eater and since I barely eat anything I believe in everything in moderation. If I stay under my calorie limit and I still want that piece of candy then I can have it. That kinda thing. Next Thursday is my 5 year anniversary with my one and only boyfriend now future husband. Our wedding is next Oct 20. I WILL look good in my wedding dress if it is the last thing I do :)

So what are everyone else's stories?


  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello :) I'm Kristin. I'm 27 and a WAHM. I am a direct sales consultant for a kitchen gadget company and then I also started a small biz with my sewing and soap making hobbies. I am married and we have a 2 year old little girl. My motivation is getting back in shape for my high school reunion (next May) and then just to set a good example for my daughter.

    Highest weight was 199 at delivery of my daughter. Pre-pregnancy was 170 and then pre-hubby was 155. I'd love to get back into the 150's again. I'm at 183 now...lost all the baby weight but it crept right back up when I fell and broke my pelvis earlier this year. (For any of you breastfeeding mamas, make sure you're taking extra calcium! I wasn't and paid dearly for it)

    Well, I joined MFP earlier this week to keep me accountable for the foods I eat and so far so good. My only overage has been once in the protein category which I don't consider to be a bad thing. I've lost 6lbs by adding more fresh fruits and veggies to my diet over the course of the last week and a half. I like results...and I'm dying for some good ones with this challenge group.

    Ladies, we are awesome! We will kick some butt in this challenge! :D
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Devon and I am an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. As you can imagine, this type of job tends to lead to a crazy schedule and poor eating habits/little exercise! I am married with no children (yet).

    When I joined MFP a while ago I was around 174...pre-meeting-the-hubby I was about 152 and in great shape. It's been about five years since I met him and the weight has just been creeping on slowly, sort of a pound here, a pound there. About a year ago I lost 10lbs doing P90X and felt great, but then somehow lost my way and stopped the regular exercise and so it's back again. I joined MFP several months ago but sort of half-assed it (aka logged a couple days, stopped, etc), didn't do any of the community stuff, and then a recent weigh-in showed me I'd gained weight AGAIN. Between that and the pants getting too tight, I know that something has to change -permanently- or the cycle will just keep going.

    Soooo...I'm highly motivated now to get scale and the clothing sizes going in the right direction, and I'm excited to kick some butt on the pink team!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Hi lovely ladies :)

    My name is Megan. I am 25, I am a bank teller so that means not much movement at work :(. I have a boyfriend of 6 months and I have a 15 month old female pit bull name Jessie (that is my fur daughter lol). I have always had a problem with my weight every since I was a little girl and I am ready to CHANGE that!!! I have been successful in the past with diets but I got bored and went back to my old ways :(. I joined MFP on 08/08/2011 and I started out weighing 309, I am currently at 299 :) Before starting MFP I was 315 (I dont EVER want to see that number again!!!) I had two knee surgeriers in the past two years, I am still in the recovery stage of my second one but that hasnt stop me with working out. My dr showed me the inside of my knees and omg they are a mess because of all this weight on them, he told me if I didnt change my lifestyle I will need new knees soon and I am to young for that! That is what made me have this lifestyle change!

    With the support and motiviation of everyone on the PINK TEAM WE WILL SUCCEED AND MAKE THE SCALE GO DOWN!! LETS DO THIS!!
  • Magic_Girl
    Magic_Girl Posts: 158
    Hi my name is Karla. I am 19 years old and I'm in college studying to be an elementary school teacher! In my freshmen year of high school (2006) I weighed my highest at 170. I always knew I was big, but my friends said I looked fine and that I was average. It wasn't until I saw a picture of myself in a dress I thought I looked good in that I realized "average" meant fat! I'm not too tall only 5'2" but I'm pretty lucky I am that height since my mom is only 4'5". I lost weight VERY gradually since then, I lost 30 pounds in 3 years! No one noticed how much better I looked until my senior year of high school! Also my senior year of high school I met the love of my life, Santiago, and we have been together almost 2 years (on Sept. 5th). We are very close, so close that our families spend holidays with each other! Anyway, after one year being with Santiago I gained 10 pounds, I seriously started losing weight this summer and lost a total of 9.5 pounds (3.5 pounds on MFP)! I now weigh 140.5 and hope to be in the 130's soon! =)
    I'm really excited for this challenge! And I love our name Ladies, Sexy in Six! Woo! Go Pink! :D
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Hi all :) I'm Rita (38 y.o) and I am a Mental Health/Substance Abuse therapist in the Ann Arbor area. I'm married and have 4 fur babies (2 dogs, 2 cats) and a step son.

    I have been heavy my whole life, and I'm done. I graduated high school at 250, and as of Jan 1 I weighed in at 323. I was 288 when starting MFP and am now down to 273. 50 lbs so far, at least 100 more to go. My ultimate goal is 140, but I'm going to reevaluate at 170s, at least at that point I will officially not be "obese." I wasn't in the greatest shape, couldn't do much physically, then I was in an accident a year ago sustaining a knee and back injury, but I don't allow it to keep me from working out! I cannot get on the floor to do exercises bc of injuries, however I do modified push ups and crunches, I also do crunches on my bed. I also believe in everything in moderation bc this IS a lifestyle change. I dieted many times over the years, failing miserably bc I was dieting. i don't do well when I eliminate things from my diet completely. This time, i can have anything I want as long as I can afford the calories. I even know exactly how many calories are in 1 dove chocolate! lol. This is the first time I have had any success.

    My motivation is first and foremost my health. I have managed to lower my BP without medication and I physically feel better. Diabetes runs in the family and I do NOT want to be one of their number!! And, of course I want to look good. And I am tired of not wanting to go places with hubby or friends bc I can't walk around for long. I have already made improvements there, and it will get better!

    Go Pink!!!!
  • Azraazra1108
    Azraazra1108 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Pink Team ladies and everyone else at the Sexy in Six Challenge group! My name is Azra and I'm a wife and a mom of two beautiful and very energetic little girls (4 yo and 13 mo). I've started my MFP journey just last week when I found the application on my android phone. I absolutelly love how easy it is to track what I'm eating and it's awesome that I can even enter my own recipies to know what my home cooked meals translate into calorie and nutrition vise. The Sexy in Six is icing on the cake for me and I feel it's just the extra support that will help me stick to new and healthier way of life. I'm pretty much tired of hearing myself complain about my unhealthy ways. Food is my drug of choice, more specifically chocolate, and I go to it for stress relief but then I feel bad afterwards. I'm tired of buying bigger and bigger size clothes and I'm tired of feeling sluggish and tired (from all the sugar and lack of real physical activity). My goal is to eventually get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, or at least within 10lbs of that and that's 135-145 lbs range. I just know that I'll feel great when I start eating healthier.

    I've had to go on very strict diets when I was breastfeeding my older daughter and also when my younger one was first born, and it's amazing how easy it was for me to eat so healthy. It's because I was doing it for them. My older daughter had food allergies so that impacted my diet in a huge way when I was breastfeeding. I also had to be on what I feel is the most restrictive diet (the Low Iodine Diet) before my one time radiation therapy for my Thyroid Cancer. Soooo, if I could do those diets, then I CAN definitelly modify my everyday habits long term, increase my physical activity, and all this should give me much more energy and will help me loose weight and keep it off.

    But my biggest motivation still remains my daughters because I've started noticing how my attitude affects them. Taking this challenge and loosing weight is just one piece of puzzle that I need to put together in order to take charge of my life and become energetic and positive mom that I want to be.
  • Howdy! My name is Kaleigh and I'm a 21 year old college student. While I wouldn't ever say I was a "fat" girl, I definitely have been "chubby" pretty much all my life. My freshman year of high school I lost a ton of weight from an illness and rang in about 136. Six months ago I would say that I would kill to look like that again, but honestly I wasn't healthy and I had no muscle mass on me at all. Now I would like to just look good at my height (5'4)--healthy and muscular. Last fall I was in the 140's, this spring break I was appalled at my whopping "152" lbs, then my grandmother passed away and all the lovely people I know brought this stress eater a ton of food. At the start of this summer, I was 161 lbs (that's right, nearly 10 lbs in less than two months). I was now not just slightly overweight (150 for my height), I was now well snuggled in the overweight zone. More importantly, I dreaded having to go to the pool with all of my friends and actually cancelled on them more than once because I was mortified to be seen in a swim suit. So it was time to change. I started CrossFit at the end of May and did that for two months (LOVED IT!) and lost 4.5 lbs of fat and gained 4 lbs of muscle. So on 7/25 I was still 160. I've had MFP for awhile but I just started really tracking my intake/output on 7/27 and since then, I'm down 8 lbs. :-D More importantly... I'm training for a half-marathon!! This is something the old me NEVER would have done :) So I guess my ultimate goal is still somewhere in the 130's, but I want to do it right and look great. If I get down into the low 140's and I look awesome (in my opinion, obviously) then maybe I'll hang out there. We'll just have to see what looks right on my body.

    My goal is to be 144 at the end of this challenge ;)
  • How do you get those Sexy in 6 and Team Pink pictures into your signature?? I want one!
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    How do you get those Sexy in 6 and Team Pink pictures into your signature?? I want one!


    make sure you make the IMG and make them small img

    copy that into your signature :)
  • So what's going on with this challenge? Any questions/short term challenges or anything going on yet?
  • Hey everyone! Lets step up our game this week!!!! Don't forget the water challenge and make sure you log it! Good luck to everyone! Remember you're doing this for YOU (and maybe the team too :D)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Ok, Pink Team...Just making sure everyone sent in their weigh ins!!! If not, you have a few hours left!
    Let's get prepped to kick week 3 booty!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    OK, Pink Team! HUGE congrats to everyone this week! We really rocked it!!! Congrats to Megan, what a Loss!!!!!!

    How has everyone done with day 1 of this week's challenge???

    Today, I did 5 Leslie Sansone miles (4 Super Challenge, 1 Leg Toning mile), 50 squats and 5 minutes of punching bags. Thinking about tackling those jumping jacks....I won't be able to get 1000 in today, but I'll get started!

    Good luck this week!!!
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