Screw this I'm done ( just started P90X as well)

I really feel defeated.
I was running, lifting, kicking but I thought for months!! I was at 212 down from 225 then I hot 201!! Took me weeks.
Then I changed jobs, cut my gym time down a little but still was busting my *kitten* and running as well. I don't know what has happened. Last week I weighed in at 204 and I was cool with that..this morning 211? WTF really 8lbs that fast.
Is this water weight? I just started P90X Tuesday? And I gain this week? Two days ago I was 209??
I don't understand this at all and I am at my wits end with this all. There is no way I would go from 201 to 211 in this amount of time?
I feel broke down at this point, if its water weight what do I do, I have been drinking so much water it's crazy to counter act the Sodium. I hate this right now.


  • routerguy666
    One gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, so yeah could be that. If you're tearing up your muscles they retain water while healing. Over time things will sort out.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Water weighs alot. Is it also possible that you are gaining muscle with the P90X? Its a quick gain so don't give it too much thought at least give it another week of watching what you eat and exercising before you just give up. Nothing happens over night trust me this is coming from someone who hasn't lost any weight for weeks!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Water weight. Many many people show weight gain the 1st week or 2 of P90X, then it starts going down. Stick with it!

    In the meantime, if you aren't already, cut back on the sodium. Drinking tons of water doesn't give you a free pass on sodium :wink:
  • ms_reese_2011
    I understand your frustration but whatever you do don't give up. I am sure its just water weight or your body trying to rebel against the weight loss. You might as well continue down this healthy road that you have started the time is going to pass anyway might as well do it by being healthy. Hang in there!
  • JustMichelleB
    There's a lot of people who gain weight initially with P90X - lots of muscle breakdown, fluid retention. IGNORE THE SCALE. Do you feel/look like you've put on 11lb of fat? I doubt it. Don't give up on yourself. Focus on your goal - a stronger, healthier you!
  • RDTaylor13
    RDTaylor13 Posts: 160
    P90X will cause some weight gain at the start. because of the exercise you do, it breaks down your muscles, so they'll build back stronger. which is done with water, and protein.. keep at it. and don't give up.....

    another reason for the gain, could be stress, from starting a new job, and having to cut down on your gym time.
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    LOL Now you know what has frustrated women for so many years! It's amazing how fast the weight comes back on compared to hard to it is to get it off. LOL

    But seriously, Are you weighing yourself at the same time everyday? if not, it could be the contents of your stomach at different times of the day. I don't know what P90X is, I see it all over this sight, but haven't been motivated enough to figure it out. If it's something that has you building more muscle or using muscles you haven't used in the past the weight you could be seeing is extra muscle built from that. Are you still staying within your calorie goal? It's harder to do that when you've cut back on the amount of calories you're burning due to not workout out as much. How are you're food choices? Has our diet changed since you switched jobs? If you're eating more fatty foods that could do it too...
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I gained weight doing P90X in the first few weeks too. Its only temporary!!! Becasue P90X uses so many different muscle groups - muscle confusion - your muscles are ripping all over the place, therefore, you retain water in them until they repair!!


    But dont expect it to calm down for a few weeks. That's the point of P90X, you rip muscle, but at the end you have a lot more definition :bigsmile:

    My advice would be to ditch the scales!! Take measurements. Concentrate on muscle building/toning/definition.

    Its a fantastic program and your body will feel great at the end of it, but you dont really see weight loss until week 5 or 6! So be patient and enjoy it. Oh, and eat! You need the energy :wink:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I really feel defeated.
    I was running, lifting, kicking but I thought for months!! I was at 212 down from 225 then I hot 201!! Took me weeks.
    Then I changed jobs, cut my gym time down a little but still was busting my *kitten* and running as well. I don't know what has happened. Last week I weighed in at 204 and I was cool with that..this morning 211? WTF really 8lbs that fast.
    Is this water weight? I just started P90X Tuesday? And I gain this week? Two days ago I was 209??
    I don't understand this at all and I am at my wits end with this all. There is no way I would go from 201 to 211 in this amount of time?
    I feel broke down at this point, if its water weight what do I do, I have been drinking so much water it's crazy to counter act the Sodium. I hate this right now.

    Your body needs a certain amount of sodium, minimum of 500 per day. Without it, your cells will retain water and you can eventually "drown" in your own fluid. That is not how it works exactly, but it is as near an explanation as I can get.

    Water intoxication can kill. It is all very well drinking loads and loads of water, but too much is as dangerous as too little.

    Are you feeling dizzy and not very well? If so, I suggest you immediately get yourself along to your GP and check out your electrolytes and sodium levels in your body as too little sodium is as dangerous as too much.

    Your body weight gain, if you have been sticking to your eating plans and exercising regularly, is telling you something is amiss.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    You took measurements initially with P90X right? Just retake your measurements and that will show you if you've had a real gain. If not, don't worry about the scale!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    You're building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. If you are dieting right and drinking tons of water don't worry you will be fine. I do have one suggestion though: THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE!!! lol..or at least put it way for about a month. Losing weight is just as mental as it is physical. P90X DOES WORK. Just keep at it.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Suggestion: ***Ditch the scale!***

    Good health or fitness cannot be measured by a number on a scale. The measuring tape will be your friend! The scale is a blind, unreliable and often-times discouraging gauge - sorry, that's not the kind of 'motivator' I want! It's is like relying on a friend for motivation and have it support you one day, and the next having it turn around and betray and discourage you the next. I find it all so counterproductive and defeating (as you said).

    Keep up your great work and you WILL see results, even if you lose very little weight. Inches lost and toned, are where it matters!!
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Are you eating enough? It's contrary to our instincts as "dieters" trying to lose weight, but we REALLY need to eat enough (i.e. all our exercise calories) to sustain the workouts through which we're putting our body. I was very apprehensive to up my caloric intake, but after months of running, lifting, and eating 1200 calories, I had plateaued. I took the advice of several MFPers and upped my caloric intake to 1500, plus began eating back ALL my exercise calories. What do you know? One week in, and I'm back to losing weight.

    Maybe you're already doing this, but it's just my thought on a possible solution. It sounds like you run and lift hard, just like I do. If you're not already doing this, maybe give it a try.

    Hope this helps.
  • dav_esco
  • Tywana
    Tywana Posts: 135 Member
    Hey don't focus on the weight since you do work out so hard. If your clothes are still fitting the same than you r good. But maybe your working too hard and you body is trying to protect itself. Muscle does not weigh more than fat it is more dense. Whats heavier 5 lbs of turkey or 5 lbs of cotton/ 5 lbs is 5 lbs the cotton pile looks bigger but 5 lbs is 5 lbs. Any fam history of hypothyroidism? G:bigsmile: Great luck to you.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    Never give up! It is a marathon, not a sprint; it's not about the short term, it's about trending over a long period of time. My weight goes up and down all the time, but since I have started focusing on the right things, the trend has been going where I want it to go. And it will for you, too. Keep doing what you are doing, think positive thoughts, give your body good quality fuel and good quality exercise, and you CANNOT GO WRONG. Repeat: You CANNOT GO WRONG. Simplify, be strong, be healthy, be happy!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I a not diong PX90 (haven't gotten that far yet). But on an average day my weight changes appx 3-4 pounds (higher) because of all the water I drink.

    Don't beat yourself up!! Keep at it!
  • craftzilla
    My hubby and I are doing p90x together - in week 8 - and have both gained weight. He actually has gained about 8 pounds. He feels bummed by that, of course, but he looks great! Stick with it. And, as others have said, remember that the scale doesn't give you all the info you need.
  • pbolton16
    My wife has hid the scale and I'm off my Pitty Party, just did Kenpo X, it was awesome and a great burn
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    yeay glad to hear you stayed off the scale today. I've not lost any weight since i started p90x in may but have lost tons of inches. you really have to measure measure measure!