Can your tell a difference? I don't really see it....



  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    Thank you all!! I guess I was also looking for confirmation as to what I should do with the trainer. I really like a trainer because he really pushes me and we don't use the machines, we use my body weight. We do something different every week. But I seem to be doing more on my own now and am seeing more with what I am doing. I didn't do a session with him last week, due to a combination of me being uncomfortable with his pestering and my work schedule, and will not be doing one with him this week either. I will talk to the regional manager, who I have a good relationship with on Monday.

    Thanks all again for your comments....I am so glad others can see a tells me what I am doing IS working :)
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Yes I can see a difference. You are like I was, the face shows first. Can also tell in the midsection. Keep up the good work and you will be amazed soon how fast it actually changed even though at the time I know it doesn't always seem like it. You are doing great!!