to eat or not to eat that is my question.

I am new at this MFP thing and I am reading some other posts and now have a question. I thought I was supposed to get as close to my cal count as possible to loose pounds, and then if I workout that is just more weight I will loose. Some of the post are saying that you are supposed to eat back the extra cals you loose during workouts. SOOO?? Which is it do I eat back the 900 cals I burn during workout or not??


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Put your question in the search section above and you will find all the answers you need. Welcome and good luck.
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    EVERYBODY asks that question !!! ;)

    the answer is yes.... take 5 minutes in the forums and you'll find answers to 'why' fast enough !

    Welcome ! ;)
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Eat back the calories burned during LOSE weight!:bigsmile: Good luck to you & welcome to the amazing journey!
  • MamaMayo
    MamaMayo Posts: 30
    Just make sure you're not going below 1200. If you put your body into starvation mode, Yes... you may lose weight quickly for awhile, but eventually the body hits a limit where it won't let go of any more fat. Plus you'll slow your metabolism way down, which makes it harder to lose. If you're honestly not hungry, then try to make sure many of those 1200 calories are protein heavy so your muscles can build. I am a runner & a cyclist, I average about 1800 claories a day, my goal is 1520. Do one thing, you what make sure you do is fuel your body with food but don't go to the max. It really doesn't do your body any good to repalce all of what you burned, I try to go no more then 50% of what I burned...Every 3500 calories burned is a loss of 1 pound! Good luck to You!