indian and italian food

staceyktaylor Posts: 18
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so ive been trying really hard this week and dont want my hard work to go to waste by over eating tonight and tomoro.

Tonight im having indian i lover spicy curries, what curries do you reccomend and how can i keep my meal as low in cals as possible.

Also tomoro is my cousins 21st and the family are going out for an italian, what starter and mains could i eat to try and keep this meal low cals but still tasty.

Thanks for your help :D


  • My crystal ball isn't bringing up the restaurant menus. Google them up and maybe they have nutrition info online, or you can at least work out what's what based on the main ingredients.
  • emswear
    emswear Posts: 11
    just avoid the rice and pasta. choose one with lots of meat and veggies in it and maybe a salad and u should be good. as for italian, I think unless you order the chicken salad, you are pretty much going to have a carb and calorie loaded meal. atleast do whole wheat pasta.
  • A lot of restaurant curries use oil and broth as their base with a starch to thicken (sometimes using the beans or potatoes mashed slightly). I'd just keep the portion minimal. Or order something else like tandoori chicken.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    i have no advice on the curries, except go light on the rice. I also remember a study years and years ago on the news, supposedly people who eat spicier foods regularly have higher metabolisms. So I guess go for the red curry instead of the yellow.

    For Italian, eat your salad first, go light on the pasta and do not get the alfredo sauce. either skip dessert, or order coffee along with it, the coffee brings out the flavor so you'll get satisfied without eating the whole thing.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    For both, keep your portions small and controlled. Eat like if you were at home, don't feel pressured to have everything on your plate. The sauces contain a lot of calories in Indians, so have enough to cover the chicken and leave everything else. At the Italian, avoid everything with cheese in - a little bit of parmesan is alright if you have pasta but sadly too much cheese is a bad thing!

    I know when I go out for food I'm always tempted to get loads so if you still want to, then having a light lunch (or dinner, whichever meal you're eating at home) and give yourself license to go a bit nuts. One day of slight overeating won't do an awful lot as long as you get back on the bandwagon afterwards.
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