What makes you happy?



  • Amysgetnfit
    What makes me happy????

    1. my son
    2. family....however dysfunctional, eh well sometimes when they arent making me crazy....
    3. my horses
    4. barrel racing
    4a. winning money at barrel racing.
    5. perfect sunny 80* days
    6. chocolate
    6a. especially chocolate that doesnt stay on my hips!
    7. a well filled out pair of wrangler back pockets
    8. loosing weight
    9. little boy giggles
    10.my dogs
    11. having some money left in my checking account after paying the weeks bills (rarely)
    12.good friends
    13. the beach
    14. drawing, creative writing
    15. pick up trucks
    16. freedom
    17. funny movies
    18. watching great horse athletes in awe. ( any discipline, example secretariats belmont run to win triple crown)
    19. music
    20. me & my family being healthy

    no particular order here, just as they came to me.the order can change by day & my mood!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    This is a Great topic!!!
    :happy: Attending a Great and motivating Sunday morning service
    :happy: My Dog
    :happy: My Family
    :happy: Shoes (especially high heels)
    :happy: A Great Book
    :happy: Traveling to new places/countries
    :happy: Creamy Rich Ice Cream ***Which would be the main reason I am on this site/It made me too HAPPY***
    :happy: Working out
    :happy: Seeing the dogs I foster go to great homes
    :happy: Outdoor Concerts
    :happy: Boating
    :happy: My Friends
    :happy: Sitting near a fire, having a glass of wine and listening to music
    :happy: Having a lazy day where I stay in with no agenda or errands to run
    :happy: A GREAT Sale
    :happy: Riding with the top of my car down
    :happy: Buying a pair of jeans that fit perfect:happy:
    :happy: Seeing the results of all my hard work show on the scale or way your clothes fit
    :happy: Doing kind acts for others without them asking
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I'm reading other people's and thinking, "dang, I should put that" :happy:

    ME TOO! :laugh:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    1. Sex
    2. Money
    3. Acceleration
    4. Violence
    5. Winning
    6. Puppies
    8. Air conditioning
    9. Loud music
    10. Discounts
    11. Free drinks
    12. The aroma of nitromethane
    13. Running
    14. Heather75
    15. Jacuzzi
    16. Alcohol
    17. Firearms
    18. Ice cream
    19. Drive in movie theaters
    20. Weight lifting
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member

    18. watching great horse athletes in awe. ( any discipline, example secretariats belmont run to win triple crown)

    I grew up on a dairy farm, but we had horses. I saw my dad almost get killed by one while rescuing a cow during a flood, and was just always scared of them after that.

    THEN I read Seabiscuit. I'm not exactly riding horses every day now, but I totally approach them differently, and I LOVE the races because of that book. (Since it was non-fiction, I'm not sure what genre to place it in.) I can totally pet them and love on them (from the ground) and even be in the same pen with them. Isn't it weird how much a book can change a person's perspective?

    Just thought I'd share! =)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    1. When I am down and I let God know how I feel and the next day he lets me know he loves me.
    2. My son and my daughter
    3. My husband
    4. I get this little moment of joy when my mind and body realizaes I am going to go get some exercise. It is just like when a puppy realizes you are going to take it out for a walk
    5. learning new things
    6. special times with my extended family
    7. making friends
    8. reading books
    9. making a healthy meal for my family
    10. getting a job interview, yes!
    11. my MFP friends especially when I see them supporting each other
    12. losing a pound
    13 keeping off a pound
    14. losing inches
    15. making progress with the goals I have set out for myself
    16. an inane text from my daughter
    17. time with my husband
    18. when my kids succeed at something really tops the list for me
    19. doing my art would but I don't really have any space for it right now
    20. the mfp group that I started
  • CWood323
    CWood323 Posts: 20
    My will to be happy.
  • victoriashea
    1. Nonsense gifts
    2. Soup
    3. Potent candles
    4. Firefly marathons
    5. Floral print anything
    6. Snail mail
    7. Paper
    8. Ink
    9. The smell of baby skin
    10. Getting everything done
    11. Running
    12. Being naked
    13. Pianos
    14. Ceramic mugs
    15. Inspirational graffiti
    16. Sharpie art
    17. Youth
    18. Matching underwear
    19. Beautifully and flawlessly sculpted sentences
    20. Unexpected kisses
    21. Fountain pens
    22. Empty museums
    23. Not-famous artists from the dark ages
    24. Endorphins
    25. Buddhists
    26. Waking up early and feeling like the only person in the world is you
    27. Crayons
    28. Black coffee
    29. Lists
    30. Organized drawers
    31. Car shows
    32. Sticky notes
    33. Love notes
    34. Laughing as an ab workout
    35. Tea
    36. Acting like a lady
    37. Not acting like a lady
    38. Drag racing
    39. Potato guns
    40. Motortrend in the mail
    41. Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale
    42. Mastering a yoga pose
    43. Pondering dark matter
    44. Autumn
    45. Helvetica
    46. Pretending to tap dance
    47. Botany
    48. Target practice
    49. Goggles
    50. High fives
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Crayons? Yuck.. no flavor at all.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    1. God
    2. My awesome kids!
    3. My husband
    4. Spending time with friends
    5. Watching a great movie
    6. my Mom
    7. the kiddos that I work with ( I work in a special needs classroom)
    8. Camping
    9. Playing on the computer
    10. watching my daughter's soccer games
    11. sleeping in
    12. getting a massage
    13. getting a pedicure
    14. Getting my ear nibbled:tongue:
    15. having a clean house
    16. going out to dinner:bigsmile:
    17. getting compliments
    18. smiles
    19. laughs
    20. doing something nice for somebody I love
  • beach_bum_gurl
    No particular order here...

    1. My spirituality
    2. Snuggling up with my nieces
    3. Running to something, not from something
    4. The beach
    5. My job
    6. Putting out the fires, dealing with crises, cleaning up the disaster (see #5)
    7. Holding a child's hand and telling them it will be all right
    8. Dancing, singing, music
    9. Being able to run at least a mile
    10. Freedom
    11. My friends and relationships
    12. My mom (when I don't want to kill her) and my sister
    13. Traveling
    14. Knowing there are people in my life that I can depend on
    15. Passion
    16. Cranberry vodka
    17. A nice glass of wine accompanied by an ocean breeze
    18 A full moon
    19. A new moon where you can see the spectacular stars
    20. Food, of course~
  • beach_bum_gurl
    Bump! Cause I found this thread interesting and I don't want to have the thread-stopper post...lol~

    Come on ya'll, share 20 things that make you happy!