I want to change my life

muir69 Posts: 1
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Sue and I am in my fifties. ! am new to this site and want support.


  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    If your always hungry, it is because you are not supplying your body with the nutrients it needs. Phases of eating. Starvation mode, burning mode and storing mode.

    Starvation mode:

    If your food is digested then your body goes into starvation mode. If your body becomes lethargic during this time it will slowly shut you down to cannibalize itself and try to store what it has. "Homeostasis". The longer the time between eating, the stronger the homeostasis is.

    Burning mode:

    Your body burns what you put in it. It all breaks down into something called 32ATP, or "Glucose" and other acids and enzymes. Glucose is the brain and muscle energy source. Giving your body the right nutrients and micronutrients maintains your muscles and gives you an abundance of energy.

    Storing mode:

    Too much glucose, (food) and the pancreas gives you insulin and stores the excess food as fat storages. It doesn't matter what you eat its the amount of food/calories/glucose. that you put into your stomach. Eat more than your body burns, you get fat. Simple.

    Eating chemicals or poisons, (food additives) causes the body to store fat when it working too hard trying to maintaining homeostasis. It stores the poisons in fat so that it will get back to it when homeostasis has a chance too. An over indulgence in these types of poisons, makes homeostasis store fat/poison cells in your body. Certain minerals and vitamins will wash those out.

    I am not affiliated or wish to promote this website, but it has a vast amount of information that is beneficial. http://www.juicing-for-health.com/healing-foods.html I juice only a couple of times a week. It’s a lot of work.

    **The result is the stubborn spots that are hard to get rid of.**


    Look at food as a fuel source and not a place to go when things get tough. Gaining weight is not an eating problem; it's a starvation problem. Your body gets hungry because you are not giving it the proper nutrients. Therefore your body is telling you to eat....eat.....eat.
  • Hey, My name is Mary, I'm 55 and I also want to change. I'm new at this. I well need help too.
  • welcome to MFP! theres plenty of helpful people & tools on here. the sky is the limit & you can do anything you set your mind to do. We cant go back & fix the past but each new day is a new chance to make a new happy ending.
    You can add me as a friend if you like :happy:
    Good luck on your journey, its the best adventure you can take for yourself.
  • Welcome Sue:) Good Luck:)
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Hi Sue! I just qualified for the senior discount myself.

    I have been here for over a month now and think it is great. Get a good profile and dive in. The people here (for the most part) are really nice and supportive (ignore the jerks '-)

    Things I have learned:

    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat.
    2. NEVER eat less than about 125O calories... OR try to loose too much too fast. Your body goes into starvation mode and retains fat.
    3. It took YEARS to put on the weight... eat HEALTHY (food pyramid) exercise regularly... and slowly it will come off.
    4. SLOW weight loss is most likely to stay off long term.
    5. DON"T "diet"... just learn to eat properly and exercise regularly.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Hi Sue! Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me for support if you like!
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Welcome you two. Yes you can do it. This site is great for tracking your calories (over 80,000 foods in the database). You just keep track of how many calories go in (food) and how many get burned up (excercise) and make sure you stick to your limit and before you know it, you will be lighter. It's that easy. Oh and when you do excercise, you will burn off additional calories so your daily allowable calories will increase for that day. That is what people refer to as "eating your excercise calories". I always ate mine but some people don't. You will figure out what is right for your after a few days. Another tip is to eat a healthy snack mid-morning and then another mid-afternoon. I usually eat fruit or yogurt. This way you don't get really hungry between meals and it will take less for you to fill up when you *do* eat your meal. I used to eat huge portions so in my case, it took about a week or so for my stomach to shrink to a normal size. Once that happens, it won't take you as much food to fill up.You will figure it all out very quickly and learn a *lot* along the way. There are tons of people here for advice also. Good luck on your journeys.:glasses:
  • Hi Sue! I just qualified for the senior discount myself.

    I have been here for over a month now and think it is great. Get a good profile and dive in. The people here (for the most part) are really nice and supportive (ignore the jerks '-)

    Things I have learned:

    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat.
    2. NEVER eat less than about 125O calories... OR try to loose too much too fast. Your body goes into starvation mode and retains fat.
    3. It took YEARS to put on the weight... eat HEALTHY (food pyramid) exercise regularly... and slowly it will come off.
    4. SLOW weight loss is most likely to stay off long term.
    5. DON"T "diet"... just learn to eat properly and exercise regularly.

    I think he has a good head on his shoulders!! :) Feel free to add me :)
  • bertad
    bertad Posts: 1 Member
    I am 50 and am new as well. I have been following my calorie and exercise plan and have already lost 5 pounds in 5 days. I am very happy with my progress. I am to have no more than 1200 calories and I stick to that. I also walk and run for about an hour a day. Stick with your plan and record everything you eat and you will see the pounds come off.
  • Hi:

    I just signed up today myself. I like the site, so much better than the old days when you had to look everything up by hand and write it in a diary.

    Good luck on your diet!

  • Hi Sue! I just qualified for the senior discount myself.

    I have been here for over a month now and think it is great. Get a good profile and dive in. The people here (for the most part) are really nice and supportive (ignore the jerks '-)

    Things I have learned:

    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat.
    2. NEVER eat less than about 125O calories... OR try to loose too much too fast. Your body goes into starvation mode and retains fat.
    3. It took YEARS to put on the weight... eat HEALTHY (food pyramid) exercise regularly... and slowly it will come off.
    4. SLOW weight loss is most likely to stay off long term.
    5. DON"T "diet"... just learn to eat properly and exercise regularly.

    I think he has a good head on his shoulders!! :) Feel free to add me :)
    abso;utely! good advice :)
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