Locker Snacks

mandahq Posts: 88 Member
edited 1:34PM in Food and Nutrition
Hey all you college students :)

So in my locker I like to keep some crystal light (I get so tried of plain water and it keeps me away from pop), I also keep some granola bars.

I like to keep things in there for the short days and I forget to grab a snack from home.

Was wondering what you keep in your locker to munch on. To Give me some ideas for this year

P.S. I have to keep it nut free due to a classmates serve allergy


  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    I don't have a locker at University, but I usually bring stuff (I commute) from home. To be honest, nuts are great for me...but aside from that, I like to bring fruit (whole apples and oranges or some dried stuff) and unsweetened tea.
  • I keep bananas around because they don't have to be refrigerated.

    Pringles Wheat Cheese sticks aren't all that nutritious, but are 90 calories for a bag.

    Let's see, what else can I snack on... dry cereal. Multi-Grain cheerios are just sweet enough.

    Do you have refrigeration? Cheese sticks do wonders!

    Pretzels with peanut butter. Or even just a Tbs of peanut butter will do.

    ETA: Just kidding about the peanut butter. Forgot it was a nut-product.
  • Things like granola and other items like that which are high in fiber help to not only boost metabolism but also leaving you to feel fuller longer. If you know you will eat it everyday try putting bananas just one or 2 left over a few days wont stink or go bad. my favorite items that i've always used as snacks were granola bars, bananas, oranges, and kashi bars (trail mix is my fav).
  • daryna13
    daryna13 Posts: 30
    Hey, one thing I find that's great for locker snacks is nuts like almonds or cashews, or maybe some dried fruit as well, mix it up so you don't get bored =)
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Dried mangos are my favorite. Costco has a big bag.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I like to keep Luna bars in my bag to stave off hunger when you can't get some good food-- or during class when you get hungry,
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