Hello from Omaha!

Hi! My name is Shannon. I just joined this site today based on a recommendation from a friend and I like what I see so far. I'm really looking forward to reading some of the topics in the forum and getting to know some of you. I have 70 pounds to lose and I'm scared to death that I'm not going to be able to do it. :ohwell:


  • Welcome! I am from Omaha myself. You can do it, and will find lots of help here. I have only been here less than a week myself and find this to be a great community. I haven't really done anything yet but logged every darn thing I eat (and finding I eat a lot of darn things I shouldn't) but I hope to start seriously taking some of the great advice I've been finding on this site and applying it.
  • You can do it Shannon! I just joined also and already I have great motivating friends, if you need some motivation and positivity send a friend request my way.