About to get serious

Hello all...

I've been using the MyFitnessPal app on and off on my iPhone for a while to keep track of how my nutrition etc for playing football.

I lost 7 kg's at the start of the 2011 season, which was good as I was playing rugby league at the time, but I switched to Australian football mid-season (which requires a much greater level of aerobic fitness to play well) and found I was a bit too heavy for my height (105kgs, 191cm). So I've decided to get serious about stripping off another 8, maybe 10, kgs and getting to my goal weight of 95-97 kgs before the 2012 season starts in February 2012. In the meantime, I hope to increase my speed and endurance and maintain my muscle mass through a consistent exercise schedule.

I know that my biggest issue is eating too much, so hoping for some people to help keep me accountable about it :)

Thanks for reading :)