Vibram Fivefingers

I need major advice....I need new jogging shoes. However, I tend to do about 60:40 jogging at 10-12 min miles and walking for hour or two. I also do kickboxing and hoping to start gym training. I want to get the Fivefinger shoes BUT totally confused on the type to get....Someone said the Komodosport would work for all three things (crossfit).



  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Well, they are all basically the same. Doesn't really matter which one you get to be perfectly honest.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have the komodo sport because I heard the same - I kind of regret getting them over the sprints honestly. The komodo sport just seem to have a lot of extra tread for more grippyness - you might want them for like trail running or hiking but otherwise I find them TOO grippy. My next pair will be sprints.

    I still like my komodos by the way - I think they are totally great, working fine for me and I am not going to replace them until I need to or unless I come into wads of cash. It'd be nice to have BOTH some times, but I think overall I would prefer the sprints.

    Walking is the worst in them actually - they have more deeply ridged tread and it can kind of push into the bottom of your foot when you push off - assuming you are powerwalking like me and kind of roll your foot heel to toe and then push off with your toes.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I love my Vibrams. They have some different styles that are intended for different activities. Like there are ones that are more indoor type (like suedish with just a couple pads on the sole) and then there are the water ones.

    I have two pairs. The one in my avatar (Sprint, I think was their name) and then I have a pair of the Jaya LR. I LOVE the Jaya LR. You just pop em on and go. The others have straps.

    And I will share this, you can't go from traditional shoes to barefoot all at once. It does take some training to do. So you'll have to start out with wearing them for short spurts and work up to continuous use.

    ETA, like someone said about the komodo ones, the Sprint has more grippy on them than the Jaya LR. Plus the Sprint has more sole that extends over the toe tips compared to the Jaya LR. So it really does matter what you are trying to do. I don't think I could run in the Sprint, I'd prolly trip from the toe covering.

    I totally disagree with what your first responder said about them all being the same.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think you're best off going to a running shop and being fitted for shoes.
  • happysongbird
    You might try RunaMocs or Moc3s from I have used both Five Fingers and the RunaMocs. They both had advantages. I have KSOs in vibrams, but bought the RunaMocs for winter running last year and have used them for that several times. My daughter borrows them for cross country practice a lot. I just got some of the Moc3s and plan on using them in a sprint triathlon in a week that I've been training for for several months. I also have worked up to running 2 of my 4 miles completely barefoot, so have been putting in the mileage various ways.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    I love my FiveFingers, but I could never run in them. My feet are not shaped properly for running in those shoes. There is too great of a disparity in length of my toes. :(
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I have the Bikala LS (I run & walk in them, also kickboxing & weight lifting in them) I feel that it does matter which pair depending on two things: what your uses are and how they feel on your feet. Try on several different pair; definitely get professionally fit (made a big difference for me). Also, sizing them can be tricky if you try to order online- at first I sized myself according to their instructions & then decided to just go and try them on; I was a whole size off and that can affect your comfort/ performance in them. I don't know where you are from but if you have an REI store in your area, they are the best bet to purchase them from; if you are a member (for a very low 1 time only fee), you can wear the shoes and bring them back if you are not happy; that's true for everything they sell there. Make sure too that you follow the "breaking in" recommendation; running in them is a whole different experience!

    Hope that helps! I absolutely love my Vibrams; running is so much better in them- an all-around fantastic shoe!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Oh! I thought of one other thing to consider - which is also supporting going to a store to try them on first!

    Can you separate your toes? If you can't, then you might not want a pair that covers the top of your foot. For example, my bf can't spread his toes so he has to use his fingers to do it. In the full coverage shoe, he can't get his fingers down far enough to get his toes to go into their spots. He has to wear the ones that are more open.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I think you're best off going to a running shop and being fitted for shoes.

    Lol, you really can't be fitted for vibrams. All you have to do is make sure you have the right size.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think you're best off going to a running shop and being fitted for shoes.

    Lol, you really can't be fitted for vibrams. All you have to do is make sure you have the right size.

    The point was to get shoes they recommend rather than going for Vibrams just 'because'.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I think you're best off going to a running shop and being fitted for shoes.

    Lol, you really can't be fitted for vibrams. All you have to do is make sure you have the right size.

    The point was to get shoes they recommend rather than going for Vibrams just 'because'.

    I understand but at the same time I do not. You really don't get fitted into Vibrams. They don't fall into any category of shoe support type or arch support. You go from full support to minimalist because basically you want to and same vice versa.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    And I will share this, you can't go from traditional shoes to barefoot all at once. It does take some training to do. So you'll have to start out with wearing them for short spurts and work up to continuous use.

    ETA, like someone said about the komodo ones, the Sprint has more grippy on them than the Jaya LR. Plus the Sprint has more sole that extends over the toe tips compared to the Jaya LR. So it really does matter what you are trying to do. I don't think I could run in the Sprint, I'd prolly trip from the toe covering.

    The komodos have the toe covering too and I bought em because I wasn't sure if I would drag my toes sometimes when running or taking long walks (turns out I do not but I was not a runner and not sure). They were sold to me with that as a feature but for me personally I don't really feel its necessary to have quite that much -- but I also don't find it uncomfortable or that it trips me up at all.

    Also for the record I went straight to barefoot walking and from there to running, but I am not a shoe person, I am one of those people that lives in thong sandals/flip flops. You just have to be prepared to be VERY conscious of your running - you can't toss them on, put on your music, and head out the door. You have to be conscious of your stride and then also very careful about how you land and how heavy you land.

    Some people recommend you start by switching part time, do half your workout in the vibrams and half in the other shoes, or do every other day, etc. I think it just totally varies by person, you just gotta figure out what is going to work for you. I just got back from doing 30 second runs with 60 second walks in them, and by about 30 minutes I noticed I was no longer taking enough care with my pushoffs and landings, and thats when you start to risk injury. So when you get to that point, maybe swap to regular shoes.

    Barefoot walking is a more difficult transition than running in some ways, because when you walk barefoot you use ALL the muscles in your feet -- the sides of my feet and the front-ball of my feet used to ache from barefoot walking because those parts of my feet weren't used to being that involved. Traditional shoes don't really bend, they just give a little at the toe, so walking in them barely uses your feet. Walking barefoot is a WHOLE different ballgame. feels really good as your feet strengthen though and it really feels "grounded" for lack of a better term.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Vibram FiveFingers only work for people with perfect toes...I prefer the Merrell Barefoots. Same principle, full toebox.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oh! I thought of one other thing to consider - which is also supporting going to a store to try them on first!

    Can you separate your toes? If you can't, then you might not want a pair that covers the top of your foot. For example, my bf can't spread his toes so he has to use his fingers to do it. In the full coverage shoe, he can't get his fingers down far enough to get his toes to go into their spots. He has to wear the ones that are more open.

    Weird - is he finding that his toes are getting stronger? Tell him to try spreading them now that he's had them for a while! I really feel like it strengthened the hell out of my toes.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I think you're best off going to a running shop and being fitted for shoes.

    Lol, you really can't be fitted for vibrams. All you have to do is make sure you have the right size.

    The point was to get shoes they recommend rather than going for Vibrams just 'because'.

    I understand but at the same time I do not. You really don't get fitted into Vibrams. They don't fall into any category of shoe support type or arch support. You go from full support to minimalist because basically you want to and same vice versa.

    I agree with MrPhil here. It's simply locomoting naturally. You wouldn't need all those fittings if traditional shoes didn't change the physics of how we walk in them.

    ESVABelle, not true. I don't have perfect toes. They work fabulous on my feet.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Vibram FiveFingers only work for people with perfect toes...I prefer the Merrell Barefoots. Same principle, full toebox.

    Dang I need to get off this thread but ...

    I dont' have perfect toes, I have stumpy deformed baby toes and a longer second toe than my big toe. They work fine for me. My toes don't fit in them PERFECTLY but it hasn't been a problem so far.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Oh! I thought of one other thing to consider - which is also supporting going to a store to try them on first!

    Can you separate your toes? If you can't, then you might not want a pair that covers the top of your foot. For example, my bf can't spread his toes so he has to use his fingers to do it. In the full coverage shoe, he can't get his fingers down far enough to get his toes to go into their spots. He has to wear the ones that are more open.

    Weird - is he finding that his toes are getting stronger? Tell him to try spreading them now that he's had them for a while! I really feel like it strengthened the hell out of my toes.

    No, nothing to do with strength. He's just defective. haha For whatever reason, his body doesn't let him separate his toes. He can't cross his eyes either.
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    THANKS EVERYONE!!! So Virtually I've gathered this: Komodosport or BIkila LS ....hmmm

    I would like to use them for daily walking, however primarily will be used for jogging 10-12 min miles or up to 14 min miles anywhere between 2-4 miles 3-5 times a week....PLUS kickboxing or circuit training...

    Im nervous they may not suit me, I tried a pair today for Komodosport but one foot fit MUCH snugger than the other....I am wondering if I can walk in them for trails :\ like light dirt trails.

    My toes spread...pretty well :P so Im excited now!! :) so VOTING??? KOMODOSPORT VS BIKILA LS....

    you guys are great !! will definitely post how they turn out!!
  • mrsweigl
    mrsweigl Posts: 198 Member
    I just bought a pair of bikilas and LOVE them!
    I walk a lot and a little jogging, works great for me!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have a pair of KSOs that I've been running in - I'm following the Chi Running approach and using 5K101 so it's going GREAT! I am lusting after a pair of Bikilas though so if I were you I'd go for those!

    I do scuff the tops of my toes when I walk - not often but often enough I'm glad for the extra protection.

    I LOVE my five fingers! LOVE THEM!

    My family have funky feet and they fit most of us anyway - unless your middle toe is WAY longer than your big toe it should be OK.

    I had my first pair "fit" for me at a running store - yes it's just length but if your toes are different lengths (longer second toe) it can help to try them on with a running expert to help.