Is it bad to eat too much fiber or protein?

I know why it's bad to go over on fat or carbs, but yesterday I was over on protein, and today I was over on fiber.

I thought fiber helped the digestive system, so it was good to eat a lot of it, and protein helps you feel full, and develop muscle, and such?
Should I try not to go over on those?

EDIT: And I do really intensive workouts, if that changes anything.


  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I am surprised at how low MPF"S fibre guidelines are set. I think this info is very moderate and a better range:

    How Much Fiber Do You Need in Your Diet?

    Although there's no Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for fiber, most health experts agree that we should aim for 25 to 35 grams of dietary fiber each day (a mix of both soluble and insoluble).

    Read more on FamilyEducation:
  • bubbab666
    If you're going to eat too much of a macro, Protein is the safest one in a 'diet' sense. It 'costs' more for the body to process than carbs or fats. But yes you CAN eat too much[related to processing 'cost' again] as the kidneys work quite hard when it come to dealing with the nitrogen. IF you have poorly functioning kidneys AND you keep ramming down hundreds of extra grams of protein day in ,day out.
    Fibre is good to eat plenty of as long as your water intake raises to match[this goes towards helping with the extra proteins too] up to a certain point when in a much more immediate manner your body will let you know it has been too much. Cramps, bloating and then diarrhea .
    Hope this made sense as the last time I tried to help out while being this exhausted, ppl sent me hate mail.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    The recommendation of 25 g of fiber is the minimum based on the 2000 calorie diet. MFP adjusts it down pro-rated to your caloric intake. If you go over, it's fine - good for you in fact, but be aware that if you're not accustomed to it, you're in for some serious gastrointestinal distress (gas and cramping).

    As for the protein, MFP sets it fairly low - there is certainly room to go over by a bit, especially if you're exercising.
  • bubbab666
    Yes MFP's levels of a few things are absolutely ridiculous.
    Fiber, like protein and sodium and water, and, and,..... Dosing is dependant on body mass [or lean body mass]. the bigger you are the more you may need.
    It's the same for virtually anything that goes into your body; a baby aspirin to a regular aspirin- body mass, a bikini model's calories to a linebacker's calories- body mass...
    I'm babbling, sorry.