
Hi guys, I just wanted to say hello :) I'm quite new to this site and didn't realise til now it had a forum!

So....a little bit about my history...I have always been skinny - I'm 5ft 11 and was always between 140-150 pounds. Then I had two gorgeous children and that's when my wieght issues started, lol! My youngest is turning 3 this December and I turn 30 in April and I decided if I was ever going to do anytihng about this "babyweight" (plus chocolates, junk, macdonalds, crisps, chips etc) then NOW is the time! I'm also a chronic asthmatic and have had four major attacks resulting in hospitalisation this year alone. So I wanted to get fitter for health reasons to.

I started off on this journey on June 7th. I've been very strict with what I am eating and have not veered off that once (I do not know where I have got the willpower from to be honest!!). On June 7th I weighed in at a shocking 15stone (210lbs). I have also been using the gym and attending zumbs as frequently as possible. Today I weigh 13.4 (186lbs). It feels good to have lost thta much weight. I want to get to 11stone though. I am not buying anymore clothes untilI reach that weight!!! :) It is hard to maintain the strict eating regime, but now I am seeing the weight coming off and people are beginning to comment it is inspiring me to keep at it.

Wow - this turned into a LONG introduction :) Anyway, that is my wieght-loss story in a nutshell.

p.s I really, really miss chocolate :)