First time posting!

cactusjon Posts: 45 Member
edited 1:44PM in Introduce Yourself
Hi there

Been using MFP for about three and a half months now (started on 3rd May) and am just logging on to say hello!

I've lost 34 pounds now, and whilst I still have a ways to go, I'm really pleased with the progress I've made - in fact I'm at my lightest weight I've been for around 4 years!



  • Wow! 34lbs!! Well done, that must feel amazing :) I'm not far behind you, I've lost 24lbs since June 7th but only discovered this site in the last week. Are you on a specific diet? :smile:
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Great job!
    Welcome to MFP!:smile:
  • cactusjon
    cactusjon Posts: 45 Member
    Not doing anything specific, just keeping below my current calorie goal of 1750 a day. My biggest problem has always been my portion control (I always piled up my plate with far more food than I needed), so when I started using MFP I bought myself a set of kitchen scales and make sure that I always use them when preparing a meal.

    I've also joined a gym and have even taken up badminton! I'm trying to view this as more of a lifestyle change than a diet. I think I'll continue counting calories even when I get to my goal weight, just because I don't want to let myself go again the way i have over the last 10 years! :)
  • cactusjon
    cactusjon Posts: 45 Member
    Forgot to say in my last post - 24lbs since June is fantastic! Well done!
  • hi! this is my first time on the web version of mfp. i normally use the app on my ipod. i've been using it for about 3 month now and finding it very helpful with managing my calorie intake. im planning on a holiday with my daughter and husband next year and want to have a body to be proud of. if anyone has any extra tips it would be great!
  • kassette
    kassette Posts: 21
    I think I'm going to have to use you guys as my role models! I started two weeks ago and have lost 8 pounds, but need to constantly re motivate myself!
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