TeamJ - Sept Challenge



  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I like those too! Anybody else have thoughts???? Anyone? Anyone??
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Is this challenge associated with the Diamond Challenge? Just curious because I know there is an actual large Diamond group with names like Diamonds in the Rough.

    I'll try to think of some and see what my brain comes up with. I think people haven't come in here because they think we haven't started yet. lol
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Is this challenge associated with the Diamond Challenge? Just curious because I know there is an actual large Diamond group with names like Diamonds in the Rough.

    I'll try to think of some and see what my brain comes up with. I think people haven't come in here because they think we haven't started yet. lol
    No, separate challenge Sarah. We thought of Diamonds cos their hard and valuable - just like the 10 of us! It's actually Tribal - so maybe we should be going down that route!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Good Morning Team..... (hmm, we WILL have a name by the end of today!!)

    I am loving your posts re: your exercises - AMAZING workouts!! I'm also liking your food diaries - YUMMY!! It's great reading for a Brit - Jill and I laugh at each others foods - and about everything else!! If we haven't already infiltrated one of your posts, no doubt we soon will!! Join in with our banter - the more the merrier!! It's what's kept me on here for 85 days!!!

    So we have a little over a week before our challenge starts - I hope to post Week One's tasks by the end of this week so you can have plenty of time to prepare. If you have your own set of weights - great. If not - tins, cans & bottles of water work just as well!!

    In the meantime, a little challenge for you ladies - I would like ALL of you to drink at least 8 glasses of water/64oz each day!!! It IS one of your challenges, so start practising now!!!

    Have a GREAT day my friends :wink:


  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    How does the name TRIBAL DIAMONDS! Sound? The Tribal Diamonds Ten? Tribal DiamondsX10?

    I picture us Wild, up for any challenge, beautiful and strong... idk.... What do you think?

    I love Diamonds in the Rough but isn't there another group using that name ? or does that matter?

    I was able to read a few posts and you are all exercising machines.. lol.. I"m going to have to step it up! :tongue:

    I love how inspiring all of you are. Jules and Jill.. you guys are so funny.. I love how the comments keep coming on the

    posts. :laugh: You have a great sense of humor.. nicely done!

    I'll be back soon. .
    Monica :heart:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    How does the name TRIBAL DIAMONDS! Sound? The Tribal Diamonds Ten? Tribal DiamondsX10?

    I picture us Wild, up for any challenge, beautiful and strong... idk.... What do you think?

  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    OK - ladies

    Our team name for September's Tribal Challenge is (drum roll)...............


    10 beautiful, colourful, and unique 'gems' that have joined together to make the most exquisite and strong circle!!!

    We are going to shine and dazzle our opponents away!!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    LOVE IT!!! You have such a way of putting things, Captain J!!! ;)
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    Sorry, I completely blanked and forgot to keep checking in on this topic! Do you guys know, is there a way I can get an alert whenever there's a new post out here? I know I get emails when people post on my comments, but that's all.

    I love the name you guys decided! I would've said Team Meltaways..(that was thought of before realizing it's "Tribal") LOL
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Thanks Randi
    Unfortunately there's no alerts for forum messages!! It's just a case of checking each time you log on!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    OK - ladies

    Our team name for September's Tribal Challenge is (drum roll)...............


    10 beautiful, colourful, and unique 'gems' that have joined together to make the most exquisite and strong circle!!!

    We are going to shine and dazzle our opponents away!!!

    Awesome! I love it!
  • littlemount
    Wonderful name ,I guess now we all have to MOVE IT MOVE IT like the movie Madagascar.
  • TunsiAmeri
    TunsiAmeri Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone, so I have decided to make a challenge profile so I can make sure I don't miss anything or anyone. I have almost 200 friends on the other one and it's hard to go back through all those updates! So, I'll be adding you all here shortly. :)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    So glad to see everyone checking in the forum...make it a habit now and you'll feel funny if you DON'T check it out a couple of times a day!!

    So, the question of the evening....Jules gave the assignment to start making sure you get your 64+ ounces of water per day now so it will just be a part of your day when the challenge starts.... DID YOU GET YOUR 1/2 GALLON OF WATER TODAY LADIES??? Yes, I'm yelling! ha!! That was the one part of the challenge that some team members on our Aug team wouldn't accomplish!! What?? You couldn't drink water?? Really? :noway: So, assuming that everyone is from someplace that is HOT now, this should be an easy (and refreshing) part of the challenge!! Don't like straight water? I put a splash of the sugar free Sobe Lifewater in my water...literally a splash for a whole glass of water, so a bottle of sobe lasts me about 5 glasses of water! Add any kind of sugar free flavor to your water...yum!!! Ok....I'll climb off of my soapbox now!! ;)

    Sleep well, rest up...September is coming and we're so excited!!! :bigsmile:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Good Morning Jungle Jewels

    Jill and I are SOOOOO proud of you!! :bigsmile:

    We are seeing fabulous exercising, great food diaries, lots of water (thank you!!) and members motivating/encouraging others to do a little bit more!! That's amazing!!

    Have a GREAT day - keep using this forum and commenting on each other's posts!! (I will direct you to the new forum as and when I've got the first weeks task list).


    Jules :wink:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Jungle Jewels - it's starting.....

    A little info from Gary:

    I would also encourage you to encourage your folks to purchase a set of dumbbells. 3lb or 5lb to start out with. This will really help them build, tone and define muscle. They can be purchased for under $10 from walmart. If they are unable cans of soup, vegetable juice and water bottles can be used as substitutes.

    At the end of this week I will begin posting information about September's Daily and Weekly challenges. We will have two separate workout programs. Some of the exercises with crossover, however many will not. We will have the nomad series which will be more of a repeat of what we've done in august. We will also have the BUSHMEN series. This will be an advanced workout series designed to push those ready for a new challenge.

    We will be utilizing (HIIT) High Impact Interval Training along with TABATA Training. A tabata timer will be provide for free in the future via mp3 file. This will be a free download and can help your teammates stay on the tabata cycle. Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can google and read more about Tabata training.

    Another Bushmen series exercise program we will utilize is Wildman Training. This uses primarily bodyweight exercises to help tone, burn and shape our new bodies.

    The weekly team challenges will now be referred to as tribal challenges.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    If you haven't experienced TABATA before, check this link out -

    Gary is awarding everyone on the August Challenge an extra point if we do this as well :laugh: but these will form part of the 'harder' set of exercises in Sept.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Go Team Jungle Jewels !!

    Our new team forum page is open -

    I've copied & pasted all the info from Gary into it. Please feel free to move over and start using the new forum !!


  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Sorry I've been mia! I had family in from out of town so mfp was moderately on the back burner.. Back and on track now! bring on september!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    A message from Gary -

    Due to the overwhelming concern about the points system I've decided we will move forward in September using the complete points system as we used in August. Here's the deal......its your responsibility to contact your team captain each day with your challenge information and each week with your weight losses/gains. Captains will not be tracking you down. You don't hurt your team. We're all adults and I'm counting on each team member to participate.