Starting Insanity tomorrow? (22nd)



  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    I missed a few days due to hurricane Irene and lack of power, but I picked up where I left off and I wish i didnt miss those days. Felt good to get back into it, but Plyometric Cardio is today WOOO
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I just carried on as if i hadn't missed any - i wish hadnt missed them, hope all is ok with the whole hurricane thing over there! I guess im lucky not to have it here.

    Pure Cardio for me today :) I hate plyo! Lol
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    I did Pure Cardio yesterday and it was tough especially since I was getting back into it after missing a few days. But i tried my best.

    Plyo is the longest video aka longest workout...not the one i look forward too
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Hiya, im onto day 3 today and would love to join you! Im quite sore but gonna push though......its so hard but so addictive :smile:
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Welcome summerbikini! =) Keep pushing with it, it will get easier! Just dont make our mistake and stop for a few days!

    I've just finished my first go at pure cardio.....It was tough - it should of been second BUT i missed the first go lol. I enjoyed it though, and after a 'half' attempt at it (i couldnt complete it all i was nackered) i still burn 390 calories. Which makes me see the potential of that video!

    Something tells me, that after i've finished these 60 days.....I'll be going again? Lol
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    Good job! I am on day 51 and love it. I cannot believe that I only have 12 days left!
  • slovag01
    slovag01 Posts: 12 Member
    Today will be Insanity Day 8. Since i missed a few days, i picked up where I left off and since today should be off I am just going right in to week 2. Yesterday was my second go at Plyo and it still is kicking my *kitten*. Its tough, but I feel so good after. I just have to remember to DIG DEEPER cause more i dig the better it will be in the end.

    I need the motivation to go fo that extra one when I feel like i need a break. I also have to remember not to sacrafice form. I cant just think about speed. Cause if Im going fast, but not doing it right, theres no point.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    PS. If anyone has any good after workout drinks that they take please let me know. I'm looking for a good post-workout supplement
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Today will be Insanity Day 8. Since i missed a few days, i picked up where I left off and since today should be off I am just going right in to week 2. Yesterday was my second go at Plyo and it still is kicking my *kitten*. Its tough, but I feel so good after. I just have to remember to DIG DEEPER cause more i dig the better it will be in the end.

    I need the motivation to go fo that extra one when I feel like i need a break. I also have to remember not to sacrafice form. I cant just think about speed. Cause if Im going fast, but not doing it right, theres no point.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    PS. If anyone has any good after workout drinks that they take please let me know. I'm looking for a good post-workout supplement

    P90X Results and Recovery Shake, if I work out for longer then 30 minutes I'm drinking it.
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I use a standard protein shake. It works for me at least :)

    Ive done my day 10 tonight, although tech it is day 8 here too. But i missed those workouts and carried on - my time schedule wont allow me to carry on,

    How about we set a challenge? To report back and tell us if you did make that extra one when you felt like you could do more? Lets push it for a week and if we are responsible to each other it may work?
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Hiya, well just finished day 4 here and going good, its definately working my lower body!! Cant wait for tomorrow, Pure Cardio eek!!
  • wallz8
    wallz8 Posts: 7 Member
    @mysummerbikini - I just finished Day 4 as well. I was very refreshed to see it was Recovery... Althought I felt like i needed to eat less since I wasn't dripping with sweat! I'm loving this and loving the fact there are others out there that want their bodies back!

    I am a mother of 3 (6, 3 and 11mnths) - I work full time plus all the at home 'fun' so this is a MUST for me to do it for me, get MY body back and back into my bikini! Keep it up I'm along here with you!
  • javalyd
    javalyd Posts: 27 Member
    I started Insanity the same day you did and joined MFP please add me!! Some days I can do the Jumps and others I can't....How do you do??
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just started round 2 today! love this program
  • javalyd
    javalyd Posts: 27 Member
    Other Insanity Insanes add me please and we progress together!!!!
  • wallz8
    wallz8 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with you, some days I can jump and others I just don't seem to have it in me..seems I push through 2 and then need a breather - It will get easier -
  • cleoleigh
    cleoleigh Posts: 76 Member
    I'm in!!

    I actually just started today with my girlfriend. The Fit test was truly insane. I cannot even imagine what the rest of this is going to be like, but after hearing from people who do it they say it works.

    I am a little down after the fit test cause I was just thinking that I'm not sure if i will be able to do it, but im going to need the support and motivation to keep going with it.

    I couldn't even finish the full 1 min on some of the exercises.

    Good Luck all!!!

    It is really tough...I didn't survive the FitTest well at all! ;o) Some things I can't do (pushups, even the girlie kind) :( But I feel GREAT after each work out. I just take my pace and focus on form. Soon we will be doing Suicides like its nothing! ;o)
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    How we all doing guys?

    Any of you can feel free to add me, ive added some, but i may of missed some you - so im sorry!

    I've just done the cardio recovery - and i actually sweated lol i kinda like that fact though :) Still going though, i have a slit pain inside my one shin though, so hoping it will be gone by tomorrow for Cardio Power & Resistance!
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Just finished day 5 - pure cardio, was pretty good, looking forward to tomorrow, this stuff is addictive!!

    wallz8 - how did you go with day 5?
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Help! I am loosing motivation :(
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Don't quit, you can do it!