I am new here.....

I have gained a lot of weight in the last 3 years, due to having had to brain surgeries for Arnold Chiari Malformation, and not being able to do much and being depressed from being in pain and other problems from it. I need to loose a lot of weight. And a fellow Chiarian told me of this site, and said it is working great for her, so I thought I would try it.:smile:


  • DeHaase
    DeHaase Posts: 18 Member
    Glad you joined! Most on here seem to be great for support and motivation, I really like this site. If you are looking for some new friends you can add me.
  • Frannieanne61
    Frannieanne61 Posts: 5 Member
    May God grace you with the willpower to sucessed. Remember that it is a day by day journey, and that even a small weight loss is great. A 1/4 of a lb is a stick of butter.