New Pal in PA

Ive actually been doing this for about 2 wks now and ive lost 11lbs so far.... I realized that i had gotten too big, last year for my birthday when i tried on every dress in macys and NONE of them fit.... my birthday was annoying last year but i realized that it was finally time for a change. I was on and off dieting and exercising fron 7/10 to 5/11... and i had lost 40lbs, I began getting serious about my fitness around the end of may... continuous walking and exercising, but i still needed help with my eating habits... my best friend sees a trainer that gives her general guidelines for nutrition and ive applied them along with My Fitness Pal, and im please to announce that ive lost another 40lbs since may... i think ive officially changed my LIFESTYLE, its no longer a diet and i still have 18lbs before i reach my first goal... but my ultimate goal is 57lbs away... im so excited to have this new tool and our progress together!


  • ladysandy
    Woooow congrats, great job!
  • tribalwolf4
    That's awesome! Great job. Keep up the good work. I started calorie counting 5 days ago. I hope I'm successful like you are. I'm in PA too.
  • streetnamejim
    Thats impressive jwilli!! Keep up the good work and you'll be to that next target in no time at all!! :D