Ciao Everybody!

Several weeks ago I ran into a girl I had not seen in awhile. She was always a little overweight and I told her she looked great! I asked her what she was doing and she told me about I woke up this morning remembering the website, realizing I need a support system so here I am! Believe it or not, I weighed 105 when I got married 11 years ago. I now weigh 150! To others this may not seem like alot, but to me it's like putting on an extra 100lbs. It's not fun at all. I would love to burn off 30lbs. And keep it off forever and ever ......

I go on a cruise the first week of October ... I will be posting alot, I think this will help me get through this!!!

I am here for anyone if you need me, just holler :) My prayers are with everyone!
