I know the scale is an evil piece of crap but REALLY????

Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
So I had my weigh in today... HOLY CRAP I SUCK! I'm still the same, but I did manage to lose another 2 inches - that makes 26 inches total!!! I don't know what I am doing wrong! FOR THE MOST PART, I am eating well and I'm definitely working out 5 days a week (except last week, it was more 5 workout sessions because one day I went 2X)... I just can't seem to lose!

On a happy note, I tried on an old pair of size 28 jeans today (Seven for all Mankind!)... they buttoned without me laying on the bed!!!! HOWEVER (and note the caps!), they are not going to be worn in public anytime soon! But it was still a small victory!

Can someone please explain to me how since combining strength training and cardio I have managed to lose 26 inches and ONLY 2-3 lbs? And PLEASE don't tell me that muscle weighs more than fat because from what I hear, you only gain MAYBE 1 lb of muscle per month!


  • XDoodlebugger
    XDoodlebugger Posts: 54 Member
    If you've lot 26 inches and that many sizes why are you worried about the weight? Whatever you are doing is working!
  • Hi....and congrats on losing 26 inches! I understand how you feel about the slow weight loss. Have you looked at how much you are NOT eating? If your calorie intake is too low, your body will store the fat instead of burn it because it thinks you are going to starve otherwise. Good luck!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Well if your bumm get smaller why do you care about the numbers????

    I rather lose inchs then a random number on the scale since I am the only that see that number but everyone can see me.
  • ctprofessional
    ctprofessional Posts: 63 Member
    My first semester in college I took a wellness class that involved working out and cardio. I wasnt to heavy back then. At the beginning and end of the semester we measured everything and weighed. EVERYONE but me lost weight and inches. I lost the most inches and weighed the EXACT same!!
    I only wiegh in every other week since muscle weighs more than fat and I was lacking so much in muscle the scale isn't as nice to me as my clothes!
    Keep your chin up!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Dont get discouraged!!! You are taking inches off and overall that is what you want isnt it?? I am very SLOWLY loosing but am in the same boat as you. the inches are coming off but not the pounds. But I have also got quite a few compliments lately saying wow you are looking more toned and more athletic. The scale isnt moving but the inches are, I have come to terms that this is ok with me. Keep your head up, you are doing the right thing and eventually we will see the scale move :smile:

    Oh and 26 inches!!!! That is AMAZING!! I would take that as a victory ANY day! be proud of yourself!!
  • Quit focusing on the scale...inches lost is even better....the scale is really just one tool for tracking weight loss....inches lost is a visible and tangible way to see what you have ACCOMPLISHED...the scale will move eventually...keep eating healthy, working out and doing strength training and drink lots of water....that is all

    Be kind to yourself and be happy about the AMAZING inches you have lost !!! You are getting healthier and more fit...and it is OBVIOUSLY working, be happy and continue doing what you are doing...

    If you really want advice here it is

    Watch your sodium
    Drink a lot of water
    Continue to work out
    Eat healthy foods
    Enjoy the journey
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    if I fit into a 28 in seven jeans (and designer jeans are so much smaller/less forgiving) I wouldn't care if I weighed 300 pounds. Screw the scale, lose a few more inches and rock those jeans.
  • Everyone tends to focus on the scale rather than how clothes fit and inches. Trying on a pair of jeans or something that didn't used to fit and now does is great for the motivation. That's why I encourage all my peeps to not worry about the scale and focus on trying on clothes instead. Honestly since Feb I have only weighed myself once and that was 3 weeks ago.

    Maybe change up your workout a bit , add swimming to you calorie burn, you'd be amazed at how many calories you burn in the pool. Lay off the steroids also they add bulk. Maybe incorporate more wrestling with your boyfriend / hubby other as a way to burn more calories, its way for fun than the elliptical.
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