3 weeks with MFP & feeling good - but nervous

Hello. My name is Kerri. I am 45, mom of 3 boys, wife and independant artist. Was skinny my intire childhood, but from the moment I became pregnant with my first child the pounds started adding on. I've been on a rollercoaster ever since. Trying every diet and attempting almost every "as seen on tv" work out program. Nothing was manageable for me. We recently moved to Bartlesville, OK and I decided enough was enough. My niece suggested MFP and the YMCA to me. I joined both two weeks ago and find it very simple to log all of my food on MFP and every morning driving the 5 miles to the YMCA for a 30 - 45 minute workout. So far, I've lost almost 5 pounds (probably alot of water weight) and feel great.
I am worried tho, that it won't last, as my other attempts. I am a Christian, so I have been praying for the strength to see this through. I was recently diagnosed as a diabetic and have issues with heart disease. This is a necessity now, not just for vanity reasons. I now weigh 204, and my goal is 155. Seems like a looooong way away.
I am so impressed with all of your success stories, as well as daily struggle stories. I feel this is a place where people understand because they're going through the same thing. If anyone would like to "friend" me, that would be great! Thank you for reading. :)


  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello Kerri, I know it is hard to lose weight but you have take a great step joining MFP I am only new here to but found the support terrific and having to do the diary I know I have to be honest so it make me very careful, as you get friends you will find them support and everyone is lovely. It is good that you have joined the YMCA gym too, I am starting at a gym tomorrow....... What ever you do don't give in, sometimes you will take a step or two back but you have to get back on the horse again. You will succeed as I hope I will too good luck
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Hello again I forgot to say if you need friends please feel welcome to add me
  • creasonr
    creasonr Posts: 20
    Hi Kerri, my name is Ruth and I used to live in Northeastern Oklahoma. I took my kids to Wool-A-Roc several times when they were little. It is a great place. You must have joined MFP about the same time as me. My kids are all grown now and I live in Bryan, Texas now.

    I am 51 and would like to lose about 80 pounds. I was thin during childhood also. Child bearing seemed to pack the weight on me also except that there are are lot of obese people in my family so I guess that genetics is also playing a part. That being said I do intend to stick with this because I think that I can thwart my genetics.LOL.

    I am also a Christian and I am praying that God will help me get thin again.

    I have a problem with getting bored with the routine. So I am hoping that by making friends and talking to others with similar goals it will help me stay motivated.

    I am a horseback rider and I love to be outside. So that is where I get my exercise right now. I will be in Oklahoma in about 2 weeks in Bristow, Oklahoma. Hoping to see my infant grandson again and lots of relatives in addition to going on a nice trail ride.

    Looking forward to conversations in the future! How about all this HOT WEATHER!:smile:
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    hi Kerri, to be able to get onto a horse again is one of my goals........ and if and when I can get up I hope my hips let me sit on it as I may find it too painful but I hope not.