Went through a hard time - gained it all back with interest!

I recently went through a very difficult time in my life, which truthfully isn't much better, and has been made even worse because I gained back all the weight I lost with interest. And extra 14#!!! I am disappointed in myself, but am going to try again.

I need to get myself healthy again and losing this weight will help me feel better and hopefully think clearer.

I am in need of much support.



  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Same with me. Gained it all back plus some. I am currently 10 pounds heavier than my "oh my gosh I'm disgusting" weight.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Oh man, I know how you feel. I have lost and gained so many times in my life. I am thinking of this as a permanent life change. I try to focus on long term plans and sustaining all these life changes. MFP is a great tool in that it really helps you stay on track and see patterns. It does really help to have friends on here too so feel free to add me.

    It will only get better now. You can do this!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    You'll get back on track! Log away! :smile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    welcome back! you have the rigt attitude and keep positive! it will come off!
  • gharley
    gharley Posts: 12
    Kristi, It is always hard when we are stress out. I know how you feel. I did that 15 years ago, and I gained 140 pounds over the past 15 years and now paying the price. I have been doing this program since March 2011, and I am having great success so far, I have lost 55 pounds since. I am dealing with a lot of problems too but I do my best not to eat my stress and problems away. I wish you the best and know you will succeed in losing the extra weight you have gained. Good luck!
  • mikeyg1975
    You'll get through it....been there and done that, but this is my last time, this time it will be permanent. Just keep the positive attitude and this will be your last time too!
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Welcome back. I did that and gained an extra 100! See....it can always be worse. :flowerforyou: Be sure to LOG EVERTHING, drink your water, don't starve yourself and exercise 30 minutes a day. It works. xooox
  • kristizzle66
    Wow! Thanks to everyone. Didn't expect to even get any replys, except maybe "quit whining" lol. Thank you
    IAMQUEEN Posts: 52
    We're here for you ((((BIG HUGE)))) don't beat yourself up, what's done is done! Start slow and maybe focus on your food intake. Once you start seeing small changes in your journal, incorporate walks. Soon, you'll be back on track. You made the first step by just loggin onto MFP!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Sorry to hear you went through such a hard time! I hope things are getting back to normal for you or looking up now. Bravo for coming back and starting again with the weight loss. Sometimes you just need to focus on all the personal problems and get those straight before worrying about your weight; it's understandable. Making the step to come back though, it a great thing and shows you really are committed to this change. Best of luck to you!
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    It's a new day girl!!! Always remember that!

    Everyone is here to encourage you...hang on to that....