When you hit target - Maintenance

Well, I'm not even half way through yet, it's going well, happy and motivated, but, already I'm worried about maintenance. I've lost this weight before, fallen off the wagon and put it all back on again. I guess I have the normal reasons, family and work stuff, bereavement - to be honest, normal life stuff...but can people give me a few hints and tips about using MFP and any other resources to keep you going? I've recognised now that I can't simply 'stop' and it'll be ok and I won't regain, but what else can I do? What should I do as I approach goal weight? I'm probably over analysing but so worried about falling off the wagon right at the end (again!!)

**Edited to take out typo!**


  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    for me, when i got close to my goal i started upping my calories very slowly and then i upped even more when i decided i was done losing. i still eat pretty much healthy stuff, but i allow myself more room for "bad" foods as long as i stay within my limit and keep working out consistently.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    When you get to your goal weight set your MFP settings to maintain instead of weight loss.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    I've just started the maintanence phase of my weight loss and fitness, so I don't have all the answers! But, I think the secret is to keep ahead of the game by uping your calories slowly. That is decrease your deficit by a small amount each week, like 50 cals of so until your total net calories is equal to your maintanence.

    Also, at about 10-15 pounds to go, I changed my goals to 1/2 per week instead of 1 or 1 1/2. It does take longer BUT seems the body likes it better.

    In the end it will always be a math game and you have to stay conscious while eating, exercising and living life.

    Best of Luck! It will happen :)
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    I worry about the same things! Also have taken this weight off a few times before. I did find some friends on here who are maintaining so I can watch what they're doing. Also I think the realization that you don't just stop, as you said, is key. I think about his a lot. I will always, always have to watch what I eat and make the effort to move more. Good luck! And great job on how far you've come.
  • jeepgirl001
    When you reach your goal weight go into goals and change your settings from lose 1 pound a week to maintenance. It will up your calories automatically. Good luck.
  • adamcf
    adamcf Posts: 126
    the real key is to have a long term plan that you really don't have to think about. Really that should be the first thing that is done even before losing any weight. Discover what kind of day to day diet you can handle for the rest of your life that you won't have to really work too hard to maintain.

    the real reason we all gain weight back after we lose it, is because we go back to what's "normal". "Normal" meaning what we believe to be a regular diet. we all go into weight loss thinking that we just need to be so many pounds lighter and everything will be fine. If we could just weigh that ideal weight and eat the same things we've always had. But really, we have to change our "normal" to something healthy and manageable. start working on that now. what is manageable for you?

    I am in maintenance mode now. I'm finding that I can eat some really normal things. I'm still spreading out my meals and watching calories, carbs, fat, and protein. I'm constantly learning more about how it all works. the more I learn, the easier it is to maintain this goal weight.

    it's not "work" anymore, its "normal"
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I'm doing the same thing. The only difference is that I don't work out consistently...I hate exercise! I work out usually 5 days a week, but only for about 45-60 minutes (sometimes only 30 min). I'm a stay at home mom, so the rest of the day I'm usually on my feet. I also like what others said about changing your settings to maintenance. I didn't know that.
  • Mrswheels01
    Mrswheels01 Posts: 201 Member
    Thank you for asking this! I am very worried about this. I lost the weight I wanted to but gained it all back within five months so I must make sure this doesn't happen again.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your help, some great hints and tips here, I'll definitely shift my goals once I've got close :-)