Peanut butter - again



  • mike_hill
    mike_hill Posts: 61 Member
    We have a scale that I use to help me measure out exact serving sizes. The serving size will say something like 1 tablespoon (28g) and I use the scale to measure it out. Basically put the empty spoon on the scale and then turn it on or tare it. Then I put what I guess a tablespoon worth of peanut butter is and then weight it. If I am a little over or under I adjust the amount on the spoon and re-weigh until at the amount of the serving size.

    Pretty simple way to stay right around the 80-100 calorie mark for peanut butter. Combine it with an apple or whole wheat toast it can make a really great and filling snack. I typically don't use it at mealtimes due to the calorie density, but other people work it in.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Try PB2 from Belle Plantation. 45 cals for 2 tbs. I do eat the real stuff on days I burn alot from exercise and still dont go over
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Oh, I see! You aren't looking for advice! You are wanting to know why the heck people WASTE their cals on foods they like to eat that also happen to be healthy. Now I understand.

    Not really. I don't happen to think peanut butter IS healthy, but that's irrelevant. I do want to know how people manage to fit it into their diet and not find themselves hungry because it uses up a lot of calories. I know if I eat it I have to make sure I have a meal of almost entirely green vegetables to fill me up while not adding significant calories that same day, or I am really hungry staying within my calorie limit.

    I do get filled up from peanut butter. For breakfast today I had one tablespoon on a piece of raisin toast for breakfast. Sugary, yeah, a little, but I ate it at about 8am and was fine until our late brunch at 1:30
  • kysassyblonde1
    I eat peanut butter and banana's a cpl nights a week as a snack. I save calories for it and to me it is well worth the calories. I have tryed several different kinda and different brands and my new favorite is the Great Value (Walmart brand) Natural Peanut Butter!!!
  • hanaibo
    hanaibo Posts: 42
    I use the kind with no added's about 100 cal per tbsp and it works for me. It's filling and satisfying and adds some healthy protein and fat. Wouldn't say it's pointless calories...
  • futurefitgirl88
    peanut butter sandwiches are my staple! i eat em all the time!! an open faced sandwich is under 200 calories that's a win-win man!! :)

    I see all my fit guy friends eating peanut butter from the jar, if they can stay ripped and eat that stuff. My fat *kitten* can definitely get smaller eating it (responsibly)!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Would it be better to make your own?
  • JohnnyStorm
    JohnnyStorm Posts: 43 Member
    I eat 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter every morning with an apple for breakfast. It's worth the calories! :smile:

    I love this and do the same. Sometimes twice per day. I try to eat 6 meals per day at about 300 kcal each meal. 2 tbs of PB or almond butter with 1 fuji apple and 1pc of 100% wheat bread fits perfectly into the routine.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    PB is high in calories, but I like it so I work it into my meal planning, just like everything else (avocado is another example - relatively high is cals but delicious and very good for you!).

    I think the key is to pay attention to portions. I measured out some spoonfuls one day to see how much 20g actually was so I have a visual guide when I spreading it.

    For example, I might spread it on half of a slice of wholegrain bread and make a half sandwich for an afternoon snack. Add a few cherry tomatoes or snow peas and you have a filling, yummy, nutritious snack for around 200 cals.

    Or I have it before I run - usually an English muffin (spicy fruit) with PB on half and banana spread on the other half. At about 300 cals that makes the perfect fuel to keep me going on a long run (and I will burn more than 300 running so it fits in just fine).

    Or, if you don't have many cals to spare, spread it on celery or wholegrain crackers and enjoy!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Would it be better to make your own?

    I haven't seen more of an opening to welcome warm homemade nut butter than this...

    That said, I like to spread mine around throughout the day. I don't drop a whole serving at once. But for the most part, it's all about planning the day a to accommodate its calories.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i eat pbutter on an almost daily basis. no lie. full fat, normal peanut butter (Adam's natural or other all natural types). just plan for your daily calorie budget. i am thinking you are being sarcastic about the 1000 cal tablespoon... most nut butters hover around 100 cals per tbs.

    good luck with getting it figured in and enjoy!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I usually have calories to spare at night, so sometimes I make a granola type thing out of a spoon or two of peanut butter, some oats, and a spoon of jam. Mix together well and it's kind of like granola. Old Weight WAtchers recipe.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I LOVE peanut butter. It is filling, nutritious, and tasty. One of my favorite snacks is to take a tablespoon of peanut butter and spread it thinly in stalks of celery (as many as I can get the peanut butter to cover). You have crunch and smooth and filling and protein and fat all together. If I'm really rushed, I'll eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (no sugar or artificial ingredients added to either) on sugar free bread.

    If you love something, you'll find a way to fit it into your calories.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Its one of my favorite things to eat. I spread a tbs on a whole wheat english muffin for breakfast reguarly. I don't think is 100 calories for nothing, as I love the flavor and the combo of protien and fat is very filling. It sounds like you don't even really like peanut butter that much, so why even try to fit it in.
  • runbikebreathe
    Peanut butter is my weakness - I love it even more than chocolate. I eat it everyday, but I mix it in with other foods. I'll drizzle it on an apple, put some in my protein shake, or swirl it into some Greek yogurt. Sure, it's higher in calories, but so are other foods that are good for you in moderation (i.e. nuts, avocado, etc.)
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    The peanut butter I buy is 80 calories for 1 tablespoon (15g).

    Mine is 90 cals per 15g But the jar is 454g, and looks tiny, so I know my spoonfuls are bigger than 15g. There's no way I would get 30 tablespoons out of a jar. Not a chance.

    Use a teaspoon. My heaped (not overly heaped, just a little heaped) teaspoons usually work out to be about 10-15g. Or even better, use a kitchen scale to know exactly how much you took. That's what I do.

    I put pb in my oatmeal in the morning. I eat 1630 calories a day and have no problems fitting it in.

    If you don't like it though, I would probably just not eat it. I personally love pb though, so it's simply worth the calories. It adds so much flavor to my oatmeal.
  • BerkleyEL
    BerkleyEL Posts: 77 Member
    Peanut butter is one of my favs on toast in the AM.... If you choose the right brand, ( low sugar/low additives) it can be an incredibly healthy addition to your way of eating. The good fats and protein make it so I'm fuller longer then on the days I don't have it.
    Plus, I can plan in a bit of extra exercise and add a tablespoon of Nutella to it... Amazingly perfect to kick any sweet craving in the butt.

    Everyone is different though, so if it's not working the way you want, try it in a different way!
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I'm in the PB2 camp, I was pretty skeptical at first but the stuff is really good. It's made with real peanuts, no chemicals and 45 Calories for 2 Tbsp. Bell Plantation makes it and if you google PB2 it's all over the place. The Big difference is they've pressed the oil out of it and you hydrate it with water. My wife and sprinkle it in our shakes.

    PS - The container it comes in is only 6.5oz but if you hydrate it it's equal to about 18oz of regular peanut butter...
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Oh, I see! You aren't looking for advice! You are wanting to know why the heck people WASTE their cals on foods they like to eat that also happen to be healthy. Now I understand.

    Not really. I don't happen to think peanut butter IS healthy, but that's irrelevant. I do want to know how people manage to fit it into their diet and not find themselves hungry because it uses up a lot of calories. I know if I eat it I have to make sure I have a meal of almost entirely green vegetables to fill me up while not adding significant calories that same day, or I am really hungry staying within my calorie limit.

    then why bother even eating it int he first place??? Just dont eat it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A sugar free peanut butter has that many calories? I know you're exaggerating, but really, a little peanut butter (even WITH sugar and oil) isn't that calorie-heavy eaten in small amounts.

    I have peanut butter pretty much every day. I have a tablespoon on half a sandwich, a tablespoon with my chocolate or a tablespoon in my fruit smoothie. It's filling and tasty and less than 100 calories per T.