Weight Loss After Baby

bridgetkang Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I had a baby girl November 13. I was about 20 pounds overweight when I got pregnant, and gained another 50 during those nine months...

Well, it's been one month since Alexis was born. I've lost 34 pounds, and still have 18 to go to get back to where I started. I've been running every other day for the past 9 days, and I'm planning to read/execute the Body-for-Life plan. (Does anyone know anything about that?)

Is anyone else trying to lose baby weight? I would love to talk to some people in a similar situation.


  • Hello All,

    I had a baby girl November 13. I was about 20 pounds overweight when I got pregnant, and gained another 50 during those nine months...

    Well, it's been one month since Alexis was born. I've lost 34 pounds, and still have 18 to go to get back to where I started. I've been running every other day for the past 9 days, and I'm planning to read/execute the Body-for-Life plan. (Does anyone know anything about that?)

    Is anyone else trying to lose baby weight? I would love to talk to some people in a similar situation.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Do you take baby in a stroller when you run? who watches her. Just curious. I guess I am in awe at women that find the time to do it all... especially this soon after the baby was born... KUDOS!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow you are doing great. I was about 10 lbs overweight when I got preg with my first 7 years ago....20 lbs overweight when I got preg last year. My DD was born July 9. I started counting calories and exercising Aug 25th and I'm about 3 lbs from my pre preg weight. My goal is to lose about 25 more lbs by my birthday April 25th...8 months to lose 50 lbs...I think it can be done!!!

    Keep up the good work! BTW your baby girl is beautiful!
  • Congrats!that baby is adorable! I'm still working on losing the last 10 lbs from bbay # 2... he just turned 2!
    In my experince the sooner u lose it the better. I gained 65 pounds with child #1 and lost it by the time he was 5 months old!
    Child #2 i only gained 35 but struggled to find time and balance and here I am...still struggling...
    The longer u wait the more ur body starts to think that fat belongs there..
    There's this video called 'Bounce Back After Baby' by Denise Austin...it really helped my after Child#1...I wish i had it after #2...
    Just walking in itself is good...Even now i'm losing weight just by walking and watching my calories
    If ur Breastfeeding add 200 more calories to what MFP recommends. also a front carrier helps u vuild muscle as that baby works as extra weight! And if u have help that's even better! I did not have any help and with 2 ity's a struggle!
    Good Luck!
  • Hi there. I had my daughter Oct 6th. Originally, I had lost 35 lbs...got married and then gained about 15 and that's when I got pregnant. I gained 49 lbs during pregnancy and have lost about half that. I haven't had much time for exercise, but I am incorporating it in this week. I've just been eating healthy...limiting my carbs and staying away from junk food. I've lost 6lbs so far.

    It's nice to hear there are other people in the same situation. :smile:
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    Congrats on the beautiful little girl! And I hope you find this site very helpful, I know I have! I had my third and last baby in Feb so I guess I WAS kind of in the same situation a few months ago. I gained 61 pounds with each of my first 2 babies ( 1997, 2001) and I was varying weights before I got preggo each time. With my last baby I was my heaviest EVER non-pregnant weight before I got the surprising news that I had conceived when it was supposed to be impossible, so needly to say even though I only gained 35 pounds with this pregnancy - come February I was a whopping 232 pounds. In the first few months after my 3rd C-section had healed enough to start exercising - I found that IF I had the energy, exercise inside my home was not that difficult as my little girl was usually asleep or atleast "still" somewhere and happy. It is now that she is 9 months old that I find it harder to get anything done -- she has become VERY mobile and VERY fast. If I put her in her walker to get on the treamill, she screams at me the whole time. Basically, watching what I eat and using my food journal has been the most instrumental part of my weight loss lately. I would love to be exercising more and I will once the weather decides either to warm up a little or STOP raining every other day. I wish you the very best of luck both with your fitness goal as well as with your new precious little girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jwinfield
    jwinfield Posts: 42 Member
    Holler and welcome! :flowerforyou: You've done so well already! I am trying to get the "baby" weight off too....except my baby is about to be 5 years old! :noway: So its a bit tacky for me to keep saying that...lol. :tongue: Gooooood luck on your last 18 lbs!
  • I can't take her with me right now. It's Michigan and it's about 25 degrees out. I wait until my husband comes home and he watches her while I go to the gym. I plan to run with her when the spring comes.

    My goal is to run a half marathon next October. So we can run together all spring and summer, and if the weather is nice, I plan for her to come with me for the half marathon. I'm not much of a runner.... so let's hope I can do it. :happy:
  • Good job! It's been so hard to watch my diet because people keep bringing food over, and I'm home every day so I go out a lot. The food journal is helping me a lot, though, because I am accountable for the junk I eat. :wink:
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