Back on track today

So after a few really bad days of eating way too much of the wrong thing, my daughters birthday party bbq with all those cakes etc made by me so had to sample lol didnt help, and also after paying for the party and presents i then had no money to stock up on fruit and veg so have eaten anything and everything, for example i had half a family size trifle for dinner last night because i didnt fancy what i had cooked the kids. Not good i know..
So u can imagine how i felt thinking about the scales this morning but i stepped on and it says i have lost 3lb, to say i was shocked is an understatement. i checked them 3 or 4 times bounced on them etc and they still read the same..
So now i am back in the frame of mind to lose and have borrowed some money to go stock up on fruit and veg i think this week will be a good 1..
Good luck to every1 else we can do this....


  • Weldone for getting back on track. I have up and down days like yours. But unfortunately my scales weren't as friendly as yours lol My scales showed what I had ate. So now I don' got an inch because I just go a mile. I have a 19month old son and I must say there is nothing in my house such as biscuit because I will be the one sitting there eating the whole pack!! So best to have nothing at all. He has his goodies at the grandparents. Saves me money and saves me binging lol Its my little sisters birthday today and we are going to mcdonalds for her party. Ill be having a chicken salad wrap- 370 cals and a diet coke. :) Good luck for the future xxxx
  • Good luck with getting back on track. Im the same, i got weighed yesterday morning and had lost 3lbs but then i decided for some unknown reason to have a 'day off' from dieting! silly really as i feel really crap today and i'm all bloated again. Although i didn't go too mad yesterday i did have some chocolate and some wine...BUT...Today is a new day! i have a fridge and freezer full to the brim of healthy stuff so i can get right back on track...

    not gonna let a bad day turn into a bad week!

    Good luck xx
  • Well said hun. Dont let it ruin all you hard work. Its not worth it. Its the stuff that got you here in the first place, its your enemy :)

    Happy Dieting xxx
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks guys,, i think thats the problem i have, 1 day turns in to a few days which before has turned in to a few months and extra pounds gained,, i have a wedding to go to on the 10th september and want to look good in what im wearing so have to be focused,,
    I dont have the biscuits etc in the house for the kids they are in the house for my hubby, he can eat what he likes and never puts on anything,, gutting when i just look at the packet and it goes straight to my thighs,lol,,
    like u both have said today is a new day and we can do this,, it really helps being able to come on here and get support from all the people on here,, thanks again ladies, xx