LOVE CHUB: is your significant other making you fat??



  • futurefitgirl88
    I have a friend like that (eats everything but super skinny!) She's 17, her prom dress was a UK sz4 (sz 0) Yet I've never met anyone who can put away as much food as she does and STILL STAY SKINNY! Mind you since I've started riding her horses with her and helping out down the yard the weight has started to come off thank god, I really want at least another 10lbs off by xmas... 17 and a bit weeks.... 2 weddings and a 2 week holiday inbetween... I think I can manage that!

    10lbs is totally do-able!! you go girl! :) I need to loose 20lb to goal! =).... I wanna lose 20lbs by Christmas (4 months....5 pounds a month is pretty do-able!)..
  • LilMissStrawberry
    LilMissStrawberry Posts: 34 Member
    I think we all have that one skinny friend who eats like crazy and never puts on weight. for some reason girls like that tend to put on weight after they give birth (i've seen a few examples!!!)....both my sisters...weighed 110 (height 5'5 ish) before kids...and after kids...BOOM...their gift of fast metabolism seems to have gone.

    OMG! That's sooo true! I had a friend who was short and slim. I went and stayed at her house once and we had takeaways for breakfast, lunch and dinner so she did not eat healthily at all. Two kids later and she's gained a heap of weight! Now I feel like I'm the skinny one in our friendship... not that it's a competition or anything :P
  • futurefitgirl88
    hahahaha I hope the opposite happens to people who are not-so-skinny before child birth!! :P can always hope right!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    during my putting on weight phase i became so greedy with food lol. I wud sometimes try to finish my food fast so I cud dig into my boyfriends food :P lol....because we wud order different dishes and his one always seems better than mine!!! hahaha.... plus he is such a chips-eater (i havent had one since january WOOHOO!!!)...munches of freakin cheetos 24/7!!

    So you are saying that HE MADE you have the above behavior? What an *kitten*! I just want to be clear here, that he made you eat his meals too, right??? If I'm incorrect here, please advise. Just trying to understand, that's all.
  • futurefitgirl88
    during my putting on weight phase i became so greedy with food lol. I wud sometimes try to finish my food fast so I cud dig into my boyfriends food :P lol....because we wud order different dishes and his one always seems better than mine!!! hahaha.... plus he is such a chips-eater (i havent had one since january WOOHOO!!!)...munches of freakin cheetos 24/7!!

    So you are saying that HE MADE you have the above behavior? What an *kitten*! I just want to be clear here, that he made you eat his meals too, right??? If I'm incorrect here, please advise. Just trying to understand, that's all.

    No no no he did not want me to eat his food!! haha I just became such a food-a-holic at that point (which my bf, although he eats a lot is NOT) that I just wanted to eat anything and everything in sight!!! He never made me eat his meals!! I tried to eat his meals !! lol... because only eating 1 persons portion (which is usually X5 more than we should be eating) was not enough to support my gigantic bod!!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I lost a lot of weight when I first started dating my current boyfriend I went from a size 20 down to a size 14/12 UK size and then I just got lazy, started eating rubbish food and drinking alot of chocolate milk. Not his fault all my own and now I am back where I started or I was, I have lost a dress size now back at size 18.
    I think people just get comfortable, my boyfriend didn't make me put the weight back on I just got lazy and made the wrong choices. He is super supportive about my weight loss and is even putting half towards a HRM for me.
  • futurefitgirl88
    Over eating for me was a vicious cycle!! And more I over ate, the even more I wanted to over eat. Just by eating moderate amounts of bad food...gaining 50 pounds is impossible. I ate bad food+ x10 times what my body needed!! LoL!!!
    Now I'm paying the price...gaining so easy. Losing so hard (especially the last 10 pounds!!!!!!)
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Me and my Hunny steadily packed on weight together. It was because I was cooking for him. He wasn't used to home cooked food so he would just stuff his face. He has gained about 50lbs in the 6 years we have been together. But he is losing it by eating two servings of dinner instead of 3, or eating a large fry and not a large drink when we go to mcdonalds... I agree. Stupid boy metabolisms... I wish.
  • alexxxetc
    Kailee makes me fat.

    She buys food, and then leaves me in her house alone.
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i knew i hit rock bottom when my bf brought home to pints of ben and jerrys, red velvet for me and smores for him. I ate my whole pint in one sitting and he didnt eat all of his so i waited for him to go to bed so i could eat the rest... omg i ingested like 1700 calories in ice cream gross!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Over eating for me was a vicious cycle!! And more I over ate, the even more I wanted to over eat. Just by eating moderate amounts of bad food...gaining 50 pounds is impossible. I ate bad food+ x10 times what my body needed!! LoL!!!
    Now I'm paying the price...gaining so easy. Losing so hard (especially the last 10 pounds!!!!!!)

    This was me too, we would go to Mcdonanlds have a big mac meal and then like 10 nuggets, or have a takeaway with way to much food and although I was full I would carry on cramming it in lol. Now if we have takeaway I will only eat half or just have agrilled chicken keebab and salad .
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    He doesn't force me to eat, but yeah, my boyfriend is a bad influence. I only see him on weekends and we only really seem to eat badly when we're at his house, if he comes to me then I make sure I'm cooking from scratch. I guess I just have to be more strict. I only have myself to blame really.
  • futurefitgirl88
    even after i lost so much weight i still binge sometimes.... the other day i ate a whole freagin packet of jaffa cakes!!! ::@.... so i made him hide the pack from me lol.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Some very good friends of mine moved in together.

    Without exageration a meal for them included full portions of all these;
    Garlic Bread
    Large Pizza
    Fried Calamari
    Bowl of Pasta

    Needless to say this girl went from a size 2 to a size 12 in just a few months.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    He doesn't make me fat. However, what I shove into my piehole; does.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    He doesn't make me fat. However, what I shove into my piehole; does.

    This is what I said, you just said it in a better way lol.
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I have been with my husband now for 7 years and have gained 60 lbs in the past 7 years. Before I met him, I was super tiny (probably a little too skinny) and now I am 0.1 away from "obese" on the BMI scale. He loves bar food and chicken wings and so do I. Instead of eating a small, healthy meal and then working out... we hit the bars, eat and drink and have a good time. Don't get me wrong... I have no one to blame but myself since I was the one to consume the excessive calories however it's easy to "let go" when your partner does.
    We are both on MFP now and trying our best to get back to our "Pre-Love" weight. We are here for eachother and support eachother in this journey. :heart:
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member

    The "wing offs" are my idea.

    So's my fault lol
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    We've got a whole Hansel and Gretel thing, ya, he's making me fat.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Oh goodness yes!!
    When I first started to talk to my hub, I was overweight (prob weighed what I weigh today). I'm 5'9 and I think I wore a 14. We started dating and going out and I went up to a 16. I got married being a 16. We were married and we ate out even more. I was just comfortable, as was he. I went up to an 18 then a 20 then almost a 22. :angry: I had NEVER been that big in my life. I spent all of my 20s super fat. :brokenheart: Finally at 27 something went off and I decided to lose it. Of course I lost some then regained it but that's another story. :bigsmile: I am here today and weigh what I weighed about 11 years ago.

    He also gained tons of weight. He probable weighed around 230-235 when we got married (he's 6'4) and up to about 6 months ago he was around 298!!! :noway: He's now at wedding day weight as well.

    Happy ending!