Newbie here with 30lb loss goal

Hello. I've just joined MFP because my weight is seriously getting me down which is effecting every part of my life.
My main thing is needing to do more excerise. I have 30 day shred dvd which I am on day 6. I would like to start running again but am very body conscious. My other problem is working in an office snacking all thetime and finishing late coming home and snacking.
I never really talk about my weight issues other than with my partner. I'm hoping joining MFP will give me the kick and motivation to loose the weight and be happy with my body.


  • strawberryshortbread
    Hello and welcome to MFP, You will find plenty of people here to talk to about your weight. Its a very supportive site and we all help each other out. There's no patronising or arrogance on here it's just simply brilliant.

    Good luck with your weight loss...i have 95lbs to lose so i'm here for the long haul!

    well done for taking the first step and dealing with your weight terrors

  • Dawn618
    Dawn618 Posts: 1

    I've just started - day 1 - so keep posting as we seem to have the same sedentary life style. Did the Lighter Life diet and lost all the weight but it has gone on again so this time I'm taking it slow and steady but hints and tips are:-

    Before you eat anything ask why - tired, bored, stressed or upset - all these triggered my eating .
    Unfortunately it's fine to know these things but how to overcome them. any ideas?

    Drink before you eat - simple but true you may be thirsty.

    Taste your food - eat slowly and feel texture - pause between mouthfulls - I have eaten full packets of biscuits and been suprised when they were gone because I couldn't remember tasting them. Snack-a -jack caramels DO taste of caramel covered cardboard!!

    Last of all

    Good luck and willpower.