New today

Hi there

Wow, firstly I can't believe that I stumbled across this. What a fantastic site.

I've done WW, SW etc but I know my failings are not to LOG LOG LOG so I'm determined to put this online and phone version to good use.

I'm in the UK and would love to meet new friends to help us support each other :-)



  • I know... I love this sight too. I am fairly new as well. People always told me to try weight watchers, but there was just something about trying to keep track of "points". But with this, I am very dedicated about logging everything that goes in my mouth and it totally helps keep me accountable for my diet and exercise! Welcome :):)
  • Welcome Izzy...this site is AWESOME!! I've tried WW too with little results but I can tell this site will keep me motivated towards my goal and I hope for you as well!! Good luck!! :smile: