PATLD Challenge: Week 4

Hey everyone! How was your week? Let's check in!!

Thanks to my monthly visitor, my weight went up a pound this week. I'm disappointed, but I'm confident that can come off in the next week (and hopefully with more weight!). Also, I completed 5 miles this week. Not nearly as much as I would have liked to do, but it's better than nothing!

Can't wait to hear about how the week went for all of you! :)



  • maddielu
    maddielu Posts: 12
    I also had that lovely visitor and when i weighed myself before I had dropped about a pound but after way too much chocolate/sweets I am probably back to my weight from last week... And I believe I got around 15 miles in. Again hoping to get back on the wagon this week!
  • I lost 1 pound this week and I am very happy with that seeing I have been sick for the last 2 almost 3!!! I walked a total of 4 miles this week so I did somehting but have been really sick!! I hope everyone is doing good
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Wow! I have a visitor too lol. What are the chance we'd all have it this week lol. I've hear about girls syncing up when they are around each other a lot but I didn't know that could happen online lol. I didn't lose any this week but I did get in 11.15 miles!
    ~ Jamie
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    No weight loss for me this week. I was sick all weekend with a cold, and I think that probably threw things out of whack. But I did log 34.3 miles this week! :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member

    I'm down 2.2 pounds, bringing me down to 240, my weight 2 weeks ago :(

    I busted my humps this week, working out like crazy and lost 2.2 pounds. I had a calorie deficit of about 1500 daily....I think I better start eating more.

    I walked/jogged 81,710 steps last week (24.5 miles). A lot of that was from my C25K training. I also did 2 days of P90X and 2 days of personal training.

    Anyway, I'm ovulating (sorry if there are any guys here) and I always tend to gain during this time. Overall, I'm pretty happy with my 2.2 pound loss even though I was hoping for 3 pounds. I hope to be down well into the 230's next week and have logged at least 70,000 steps in my quest to lose 12 pounds by Labor Day and prepare for my first 5K.

    I will continue my C25K training, 3x/week
    I will work out with my PT 2x this week
    I will do 2 P90X strength training videos this week, along with Jackie Warner's 15 minute abs on those days.
    I will log my meals honestly and try to stay off the scale except for Monday's weigh-in.

    Later gators.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    BTW, what kind of challenge are we going to do after PATLD is over? I'm up for another!
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Thank you for your updates!!! :happy: Congrats on all your success! I will total everything up and report back. Walk - great question!! I was thinking about a Halloween challenge (would give us another 6 weeks). What do you think? Any ideas of what our goal(s) should be? hugs to you all!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm in for Halloween! Could we do something where we have to try to burn a certain number of calories or where we have to try and workout for a certain amount of time? I'm not seeing much progress with just walking so I need to try something else. . .just an idea.
    ~ Jamie
  • TamiDZ
    TamiDZ Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry to report so late... busy week at work and too exhausted at the end of the day to log on at home. I lost 1.1 lbs and was able to get in 8 miles last week.
  • In responce to what we should do for the next one i think it would be cool to add an new exercise each week like still do the walking but add sit ups one week along with the walking. then like mountain climbers the next week so that in the end we will be doing 6 extra strenght training exercise on top of walking everyday. I am so down with a goal till Halloween. I am hoping to kick this cold's butt!! I am so sick of being sick its not funny!!