


  • Thank you everyone! I dont think she meant to cut it out completly because she did say to eat vegtables and fruits.. maybe she just meant to cut down on the breads and rice and snacks like wheat things and pretzals that i eat. However i do eat whole wheat bread and brown rice so im not sure if thats too bad. I do need to cut down though on the carbs that is for sure! What is a good number to stay under.. 100? or less?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't think one should cut out carbs completely, but cutting way back is always beneficial. Aim to eat 100g carbs/day or less. The less carbs you eat, the more delicious fat you can eat. I think it's a pretty awesome trade off!
  • I was looking at a lot of the foods i eat and they all have carbs! What are some foods that you can eat that are low in carbs?!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I was looking at a lot of the foods i eat and they all have carbs! What are some foods that you can eat that are low in carbs?!

    meat, berries, veggies, bacon, cheese, fat
    my food diary is public if you want some ideas
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I was looking at a lot of the foods i eat and they all have carbs! What are some foods that you can eat that are low in carbs?!

    Almost everything has carbs, but net carbs is what really matter in a lower carb lifestyle. You subtract the amount of dietary fiber from the total grams of carbs, and that gives you the net carb amount. You can find this in tons of veggies. Most low-carbers get their "filler" food from veggies.

    This morning I had some eggs and bacon with a side of spinach. For lunch, I just had a burger with no bun. I asked them to put all the toppings on the side. They gave me a lot of lettuce and tomato. Plus, I had a small order of coleslaw. I got my veggies in there too.

    Once you get used to it, it becomes easier to incorporate good carbs into your meals.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've tried low carb "diets" and they don't work for me. My body loves carbs and I function better with a nice supply of them in my body. Some people are very sensitive to carbs and some people aren't. Figure out what works for YOU. We are all different and you have to master your own body.

    I don't eat white bread, white rice, white potatoes - I try and avoid white flour and white sugar (this is the hardest one to avoid). I do eat sweets, but I don't eat ANYTHING with high fructose corn syrup in it. I don't drink pop and I don't eat fast food. So, while I do consume quite a bit of carbs in a day - most of it isn't from "junk".
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    What has worked for ME is getting my carbs only from fruits and vegetables. No rice. No pasta. No potatoes (yeah I know it's a veggie but it's too starchy for me). I don't even eat the low carb pastas, they stall me.

    Honestly, the best way to eat to lose weight is to eat as few processed foods as possible. So shop the outside of the grocery store and stay out of those aisles. Nothing good for you down there. There are site that promote "clean eating." Check those out.

    I would watch and stay away from any diet that cuts out any one food completely. Look, food is either FAT, PROTEIN or CARBS. That is the only place you can get your calories from. Watch your food diary and see when you stall, is one of these numbers too high? (Fat or Carbs). It's really hard to overeat protein. As a bander I am supposed to get 100g a day and I hardly EVER hit that.

    Also...if you find yourself stalling, be sure you are eating ENOUGH. Yep. That happened to me. I went to 700-800 cals and stalled. I even gained and I was exercising each and every day. Aerobically for 30 minutes. Now I put myself back up to 1300 to 1400 and I'm losing like crazy!!!!

    Go figure. And go you! Good luck honey.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    What works for some does not work for all.

    To me, a life without carbs would be a life not worth living. I try to stay within the number of carbs allotted to me by MFP, but I really don't care if I go over as long as I stay within my calorie range. I've lost a pretty good amount of weight not concerning myself with carbs.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Cutting all carbs puts your body into ketosis which is really easy to break, but burns crazy fat. ( However you have to come out of it gently, and there are at least a carb or two in almost everything so it's pretty difficult! You can definitely lose weight eating carbs, though. There are sooo many different methods and ways of "tricking" your body that it's really just best to do what works for you probably :)