
Bekah Posts: 71 Member
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
I just started using myfitnesspal and really enjoying it, see last March I lost 50 lbs but over the winter I gained 30 of it back so I am finding my way back to a healthy lifestyle. I would love to talk with people and their weight lost goals and their bumps in the road. Good luck to everyone it is a total lifestyle change and it is not easy I understand


  • Bekah
    Bekah Posts: 71 Member
    I just started using myfitnesspal and really enjoying it, see last March I lost 50 lbs but over the winter I gained 30 of it back so I am finding my way back to a healthy lifestyle. I would love to talk with people and their weight lost goals and their bumps in the road. Good luck to everyone it is a total lifestyle change and it is not easy I understand
  • brendamercier

    I also just started using the fitnesspal and love it. I lost 33 pounds about five years ago and kept it off, but thn moved to Texas and the humidity (and no support system) and gained it all back. I love adding my food and exercise into the fitness pal and seeing the progress. It really motivates me a lot so I'm hoping that I can lose the 33 pounds plus some so I can feel better about myself. It has also motivated me to take more bike rides and walks and I actually got another friend to start a couple days ago. I hope all goes well for you and you lose the weight you want. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  • Bekah
    Bekah Posts: 71 Member
    Well I live in Maine where we all act like Bears in the winter it is dark by 4pm and many below 0 days and 2 feet plus snow storms so that is where I put back my 20 puonds funny how it was the heat and humidity for you and the bitter cold for me. My goal is to loose about 50 pounds, it is not just to look better but as you said to feel better you feel so much better even loosing 10 punds! Hope we both can stay on track no matter what the weather is like godd luck and remember is is a lifestyle change that is not easy. Stay in touch
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