When is it gonna melt

so i lost weight i eat right i exercise daily with rest days and i have built muscle i havent had since i was in my teens. When the heck is my muscle gonna starting eating up this beer gut" more like steak stomach". Im doing my part now wish my muscle would do its job.
60 minutes 4 miles walking a day
30 min strenghth training 4 days a week
60 minutes of kinect boxing which takes 2 hours a day
Bicycling for 30 to 45 min twice a week.

Damn fat just go away


  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Losing fat is like sanding a big block of wood. Slow and exhausting. But it'll happen! 12-16 weeks and things will really start to change.
  • LillysGranny
    You can't expect something you've been collecting for most of your life to just disappear without a struggle! Be patient and stick to your guns. You'll win the war in the long run!
  • bahamamama2
    Sorry, its taking so long, I can definately relate. It helps me to think of my weight loss goals as a journey not just a destination. That way I know its all building up to a point.

    Besides I didn't put on the weight in just one day or a few months --- weight like this took years to perfect :laugh: . Its going to take some time to take it off too.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Also, losing your fat is going to be 80% diet and 20% exercise. If it's not coming off as quickly as you like, maybe have a look at your calorie intake and see if there's any room for adjustment there?
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yeah, I can relate, sigh. I am 19lbs down and the momma pooch is not going away that easily. I blame the fact that I am still size 18/16 on the damn gut!