Worst "Compliment" Ever...



  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I have to say I was mortified when someone came up to be a few months back, patted my tummy and said you look positively blooming this pregnancy is making you glow! And I replied 'That would be a great compliment but I'm not even pregnant" and her reply was 'oh well sorry I thought you were at least twenty weeks!!!' Another kick up the *kitten* to loose this damn weight!!!!

    OMG! I would've cried right then and there.....and would've wanted to slap her! LOL.
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    I've always loved the enthusiastic "Oh, you don't look as fat in that."
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    HA... I got "you would be so hot if you just lost weight"
    The one that started my serious weightloss journey was from my dad. He introduced me at a wedding as "the prettiest fat girl you'll ever meet"
    Fail lol.
    Oh well, guess who's dropped the weight and found herself?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I took so XL cloths to my SIL b/c I wasn't waering them not b/c the were too big or small. She said thanks these will fit I'm teh fattest I've even been, but in that comment she was implying I was fatter....It's hard to explain but it was how she said it....So rude.

    Whenever I give my big clothes away I never say these are way too big on me or anythign like that.

    and voluptuous can be skinny girl code for fat but it doesn't have to be ignor the skinny girl and be proud of your accomplishments.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    two weekends ago someone asked me how I was feeling then followed it up with "You look great!" And I was really confused...SHE THOUGHT I WAS PREGNANT!!! I mean I can stand to loose a few lbs, but Im still a size 6....anyway THATS what motivated me to get back on track and loose 20 lbs.

    Oh my god! Who SAYS that?!

    I think after all the horror stories I have heard about something like this, even if I walked into a room where a woman had her feet in stirrups with a crowning head visible, I STILL wouldn't ask if she was pregnant.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    My mom used to say "If you can say something nice, don't say nothing at all!" She's the worst though with her compliment wrapped criticisms.

    People should just learn to keep their mouths shut.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Heh...He said Boobs!

    When I was in the Navy my B-I-L and his new wife were visiting. One of our friends who was "Voluptous" stopped to say hi and my new S-I-L said "WowW Isn't she a little fat to be in the Navy?" Um, NO! Yeah there were plenty of fat people in the Navy, but just because you have large Boobs (there they are again) and a large butt doesn't mean you're fat...especially not when every other part of you is trim and toned.

    So ask yourself...was she being offensive, or were you taking offense at what she was saying without really knowing what she meant?
    I always thought "voluptuous" carried a bit of confidence in it. Like a sexy, curvy, confident chick.

    I also think "boobs" when I hear voluptuous.... but I think boobs about a lot of stuff, so maybe that doesn't count. Hehe..
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't think skinny people that don't work to be skinny understand
    Skinny people are not immune to back-handed compliments. They can be just as sensitive to comments about their weight.
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Two years ago at Christmas I was visiting my Mom and she even said, "I've never seen you this big." Thanks, Mom. Just what I needed to hear. And when ever I tell her I've joined a weight loss program, seems like when we talk, she's always more interested in how much weight I've lost than anything else! It really bothers me, so I just don't talk about it anymore.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I worked in an inner city school and this one african american women told me,"you're not fat, you're thick. If you were a couple shades darker, you'd be hot". I guess that was a compliment lol

    I believe it is.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Recently someone who is very, very thin told me I was "Voluptuous." She said this after I said, "I know you think I'm fat - you make enough comments about what I eat and how much." She said, "You're not fat. You're voluptuous. That's a compliment."

    I said, "Voluptuous is the nice way skinny people call fat people fat."

    Then I called her a *****...in a nice way. Except that I literally called her a *****. But I laughed so she knew I was "joking."

    That wasn't MEAN was it???? :wink:

    I'm going to play devil's advocate here......what did you want/expect her to say when you said "I know you think I'm fat - you make enough comments about what I eat and how much." ? Did you want her to say "you're right, I think you're fat"? IMHO, you opened the door with your initial comment to her.

    Actually, yes. I would like her to say that. Because at least she would be honest. I'm tired of being made to feel like I'm not a "good" person because I'm 145 pounds and not 110. Last time I checked, that wasn't a requirement for being a good person. I was tired of her commenting on the simple fact that I was eating - regardless of what I eat. So it would have been refreshing for her to just be forthright with me instead of passive aggressive. Her comment was hurtful, and it was preceded by YEARS of unasked for, unsolicited "advice" about how I can be thinner. My purpose of making the statement was to let her know, FINALLY, that her constant underhanded criticism of me was unappreciated - I called her on it...and she back peddled by giving me a "mean" compliment. I didn't ask for her opinion about my body - Never once have I, yet she continually makes comments that allude to the fact that she thinks I'm fat. Just say it already.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    This weekend my weight loss came up in conversation with my Dad. When I told him I weigh 121, he replies "You look at least 145, you could probably lose 20 more. Are you a size 0 yet? (I'm a size 5) Cuz, you're not skinny until your a size 0".

    Actually, typing it out it sounds a lot worse than it did at the time. I think he was joking? Can never tell with him. Still... made me feel bad. :(
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    I used to use those words to explain me. I used to say my fat was 'evenly proportioned' because I was heavier than I looked. LOL

    me too, b/c I would gain weight it would spread here and there... and I was a lot heavier than i looked but when someone said I was lucky to gain and it to spread here and there... I said, yeah it just means I'm fat everywhere... lol!!

    Had to get past the self deprecation.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    I worked in an inner city school and this one african american women told me,"you're not fat, you're thick. If you were a couple shades darker, you'd be hot". I guess that was a compliment lol

    I believe it is.

    hahahaha!! I think it is, I'm always told "black men love your booty" I never know what to say to this. maybe something like "OH GOOD!!!" =)
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    when talking with friends or co-workers about weight..if i were to tell them my weight theyd say..."BUT YOUR TALL"
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I don't know why people think it's okay to comment on other people's weight. It like saying - your nose is big - were you punched? - or you look spotty today - been overdoing the chocolate.

    Acceptable comments - You look great, you look radiant, you look fantastic/gorgeous/stunning/beautiful....

    I'm not sure it's ever helpful to hear that you look fat/chubby/fluffy etc So many people internalise information and have problems later, (depressives, bi-polar, ED's) I think people should just avoid those comments. Even when I am slim - drawing attention to my body shape is not a good thing. I'm recovering from an ED.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    My ex's always called me "thick". Even my b/f now. They "like" it. Uhhhh, no thanks. I was skinny with one and ended up gaining weight, and my next b/f knew me before I gained weight and said I looked better than when I was "a stick". Gained a little more weight. Now I'm just considered "thick".

    Yeah, I'm gonna make sure I'm not thick. Not a good word to use at all.
  • BethanyCee
    I don't actually t hink that's an insult. When I think voluptuous, you know who I think of? Christina Hendricks. And she is positively gorgeous. I think voluptuous is a body positive word and nothing to be embarrassed by.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    My ex-husband once had me put away a picture of myself from high school. Initially I thought it was because I was posing with the guy I was dating at the time the picture was taken. Then he said, "no, it's because you were so hot back then and I can't stand to look at it." Jerk.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    HA... I got "you would be so hot if you just lost weight"
    The one that started my serious weightloss journey was from my dad. He introduced me at a wedding as "the prettiest fat girl you'll ever meet"
    Fail lol.
    Oh well, guess who's dropped the weight and found herself?
    You go girl.