How much have you fluctuated from 1 day to the next day?



  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Usually within 2 pounds but my record is 6 pounds, both on days after Chinese takeout :( (Three year daily weigher and charter here @ 197)
  • emmycantbemeeko
    emmycantbemeeko Posts: 303 Member
    I think seven pounds in a week is my largest ever fluctuation.

    It's never permanent (not to say that it can't be masking an upward trend, which is WHY I weigh daily, but if it fluctuates up seven pounds overnight, it will drop back down by 7 at some point soon).

    Graphs are my friend.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you have been restricting your calories through dieting (and therefore eating fewer carbohydrates) and then you eat a high carbohydrate meal, then you will almost always see a spike in weight on the morning following the day on which you consumed more carbohydrates. Your body tries to make up it's depleted glycogen stores. Glycogen is bound with water, so you will experience a gain in water weight.

    To avoid large fluctuations in your weight, you can try to make your carbohydrate consumption more even throughout the week.

    Try going back through your diary and figuring out how many grams of carbohydrate you eat for an average of X days. Then, on the day after any day in which you eat a lot more than that average, just don't weigh yourself. Or, weigh yourself, but do it with the knowledge that your weight will have spiked because of a higher than normal carbohydrate consumption.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,001 Member
    I weigh in every Friday. This eliminates the fluctuations you see through the week. It will give you a more realistic weight & remove the stress of worrying about the losses & gains through the week. Also I am like most & for one reason or another loose a bit of self control on the weekends so I don't bother to check on Monday because I know it will be bad... LOL
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    I weigh in every Friday. This eliminates the fluctuations you see through the week.

    It doesn't eliminate the fluctuations. It may mask them. It may not.

    You can catch yourself at a low weight on a Friday one week. But perhaps the next Friday you catch yourself at a high weight. You can mistakenly conclude that you made no progress, or worse, that you gained, when your average weight is actually trending down.

    I, personally, weigh on a daily basis and calculate a trend line using a weighted moving average.

    There are apps and web sites that will do this for you, like or Happy Scales (app).
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    edited February 2016
    Out of curiosity in the past I've weighed myself first thing in the morning at 119.5lbs, and finished off the day at 124.
    Certain times of the month it's not out of the ordinary for my weight to fluctuate within 7lbs in a week without any real change in my behaviour.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    mine fluctuates daily up to 7 pounds
  • Devol82
    Devol82 Posts: 80 Member
    Ugh, mine has went up by 10 before. Usually after the weekend when I have not drank much water.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I can fluctuate several pounds a day but my record is 12 lbs. I weighed right before a several mile hike and then also weighed next morning and I was up 12lbs. It was all gone within a few days.

    I only weighed myself then out of curiosity B). I don't worry about few up and down daily since I know when I'm in a deficit and confident a true loss will show soon.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I don't generally fluctuate a lot, but I can fluctuate anywhere from 3-5 Lbs...most of my fluctuations are 1-2 Lbs...but like today I'm up about 5 Lbs from yesterday which is attributable to the fact that I took my kids to the movies yesterday and we shared a big salty buttery popcorn and I also had a hot dog...lots of sodium.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    For me it's mid week totm. I also had a stupidly large bit if birthday cake last night.. not much sodium in it but loads of sugar lol..
    I'm tracking my weight via libra although I have a slight feeling I'm not cut out for daily weighing because of my mini meltdown earlier
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Up over 8lbs from one day to the next. I had chinese food for dinner
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    Usually two pounds in either direction. On a rare occasion, like right after xmas, up like four lbs.
  • thrashscara
    thrashscara Posts: 72 Member
    I wouldn't worry, I weighted my self the other evening, then again the following morning and the difference was 2.5kg!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited February 2016
    Somebody needs to create a version of that flow chart for these weight variation emergencies... Our weight varies. Always. All day. Probably all night. Forever. Then we're compost & it doesn't matter as much. LOL!
  • bruhaha007
    bruhaha007 Posts: 333 Member
    3-5 lbs when I fast, most of that is water weight.
  • scottsull7
    scottsull7 Posts: 12 Member
    Most I've fluctuated is around 4-5 pounds. The best thing I've done losing weight this time around is go to daily weigh-ins and tracking it with the Happy Scale app. Takes all the pressure off the once a week weigh-in and helps to see how weight can fluctuate from day to day but still be in a downward trend.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    4 lbs is not unusual for me, but my greatest leap was 7.2 lbs
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I've gone up 10lbs in two days before. Ah, those were a fun two days. Totally worth it. I was down 8lbs within a week, so it was mostly water.

    7lbs because of 300 extra calories worth of pizza seems like a bit much, but it varies from person to person. When I was bulking, my sodium levels were anywhere from 3000-4500mg per day and my weight didn't fluctuate all that much, but I know some people are really sensitive to sodium so it's not uncommon.
  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2016
    I can fluctuate about 3 pounds in a week in either direction. It all depends on what I was doing that day.