New to mfp and looking for support!!

I'm at home for most of the day so I try to fit a decent amount of exercise into my day, but I end up eating alot later on.
My family doesn't understand me at all I want to lose weight so that I can be happy and healthy, they do not support me, I don't understand why, but everytime I try to eat healthy they bumbard me with food and tell me its ok to eat it....and
A million other things. I don't see a change on the scale and I'm freaking out because school is starting and i want to be fit. So if there is anyone who can be there for me please help!!!


  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    You took the first step. You found MFP. This site is so supportive from what I have found. I have been using it faithfully since January, and have logged over 200 days so far. Good luck to you in your journey..feel free to add me as a friend. I will try to encourage you as much as I can!!

    We can do this!
  • Lilmrsnelson
    I'd love to be your friend, and offer my support. I am a stay at home mom and have 2 daughters ages 3 & 4. I recently just hit my goal of losing 50 pounds, all without stepping into a gym or taking any crazy diet pills! Add me!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    You've definitely come to the right place for support. Your family may think you'll change as a person if you change your way of thinking about food & exercise, etc... My grandmother used to tell me I looked "healthy" before when I was over 200 lbs. She'd throw out, "You're getting too skinny." type comments as well. I totally understand the sabotage that comes with changing the way you eat when others in the house aren't exactly supportive.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I'm always around :smile:
  • Jsgitnalong
    Well I completely understand were you are coming from. I lost 100lbs about 3 years ago, and I had to do it completely on my own. No family, no spouse, just myself. I decided that I was tired of holding my breath to bend over and tie my shoes. I just had to make up mind that I was going to do this. I almost had to "get mad" and direct the anger towards the one thing that was holding me back... the food I was eating. I decided to take a hard look at what I was doing and change.
    Granted, I have struggled all my life with food. I have done the starvation thing, the diet pill thing and this fad or that fad. The problem was I just never really made up my mind, deep down in my soul, that I was going to be able to acheive a substantional weight loss. When it came down to me praying every night that god would take me from the place, not only for my weight, but the horrible relationship that I was in as well, I knew something had to give before I gave in.
    I started small, just walking on my lunch break and cutting my portion sizes in half. I took it slow... almost 3 years to lose the weight. I also ended up joining weight watchers after I lost my first 50lbs and that gave me some extra inspiration and direction. I now just eat in moderation and weight train.
    I think that weight training is so key to this whole thing. I love it. It makes me feel strong and empowered.
    I can tell you, if nothing else, believe that you can do it. Believe it down in your core... get mad if you have to... find that power, we all have it!
    I go to a 24 hour gym 10 min from my house at 5:00 am when no one is there and I sing, I grunt, and I curse if needed, but in the end, I feel good and empowered! I have a 10 year old autistic son and he sleeps while I am out in the morning. He never knows I am gone, but knows if he wakes up and I am not there, I am at the gym and everything is fine. Sometimes we just have to work things out the best we can to make it happen. I look at like anything else that I really want in my life... you just figure out a way to make it happen and it will!
    Hope I didn't talk your ear off :tongue: