Daily Goals - Thanksgiving Countdown

Who would be interested in a small group of us making a "Support Group" where you try to check-in every day w/a personal fitness goal and diet goal that YOU set. And then the next morning (or whenever) you check-in w/how you did and your new daily goals. And I'm thinking we could set it up with an ultimate goal weight for Thanksgiving! (13 wks from this Thurs) Let me know, thanks!
I will want to be keeping this group small because then we can get to know each other better! For ppl who come across this post after it's closed, feel free to copy and paste this idea and start your own group :)
Myself as well as 2 friends want to do this so I'm thinking after 12 more ppl have joined we'll close the group (in order of responses).
1. swillis21
2. curlyleslie
3. corbansmom
12 more...


  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    I would like to join please :)
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    I would love to join - I haven't been able to find a group yet but would love to!
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    Count me in.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77

    9 more :) and then let the fun begin!
  • change_happens
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77

    9 more :) and then let the fun begin!

    sure... why not... count me in!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    and I hope to soon make a google doc w/everyone's goal weight by Thanksgiving and weekly weigh-ins every Monday until then! (I know Thanksgiving is a Thursday - but we can aim for our GW by that Monday I'm thinking)

    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77
    7. change_happens

    8 more :) and then let the fun begin!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Meanwhile let's introduce ourselves and set today's goals! (Remember to keep them SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) Obviously all our goals will be timely though since we're setting goals for tday! :) I'll start...

    Name: Shannon
    Height: 5'2
    CW: 149.8
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 135
    Favorite workouts: Running (usually on my treadmill at home), and Wii Just Dance 2
    Other: SAHM, married 6 yrs, Christian, 2 wonderful children - 3 yr old daughter, 1 yr old son

    My Fitness Goal: To run 2.5 miles
    My Diet Goal: To not eat after 8:30 pm
    Challenges I anticipate: Finding the time/energy to run tday with family coming to visit tonight and my house still being quite messy, lol. And it's tough for me to not eat late at night when I'm haning out w/family!
  • jenniferjgayfield
    I'm totally in...accountability is so important to stay on track. Plus the holidays seems to be a prime time to gain weight, and I would really rather avoid that.
    I'm Jenni and my info is below :)
    CW 131.6
    GW By Thanksgiving: 128 (may not seem like much to go, but these last few pounds are quite clingy!)
    Favorite Workouts: Running outside (just take off from my house), Tennis
    Other info: I'm a marriage and family therapist, my husband of almost 4 years is a youth pastor (we're very involved with the church), I have a 6 month old son JJ, my joy
    Today's Goals
    Fitness: Run 2 miles, timed, jog .5 mile cooldown
    Diet: Not eat more than 2 cookies tonight
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Height: 5'1
    CW: 175 (even though I won't acknowledge the 3lbs I gained on MFP)
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 163
    Favorite workouts: Walking (I live in Manhattan so it's easy to integrate), Kettlebells, and SPINNING
    Other: Working full time in sales (7am - 5:30 pm), super unhealthy but not fat boyfriend, living the lifestyle you would imagine of a 26 year old in Manhattan (ie. booze and restaurants kill me)

    My Fitness Goal: To keep up with my instructor in Kettlebells
    My Diet Goal: To not eat banana bread tonight - in fact, to throw it out
    Challenges I anticipate: I hate wasting food and I know my boyfriend wants it...plus it tastes so good! I make the best banana bread =)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77
    7. change_happens
    8. jennifergayfield

    Welcome everyone who's joined!
    @ Jenni - we have pretty much the same goal tday! Let's do it!!
    @ Jackie - lol, banana bread is a weakness! Send your bf on a quick walk or errand w/banana bread in hand w/instructions to return alone! :) and I totally hear you about not wanting to waste food. Good luck!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    could I join? I am new to this site and would love to meet a group of supporters and be able to set a goal for myself and be accountable to post about my progress!!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Ok sorry I just read where we were to put our goals down also!! So assuming I am in the group I will tell you more about me....

    Name: Rachel
    Height: 5'1 and a half LOL
    CW: I have not told anyone but I guess now is time to be honest......366 (no judgement right?)
    Goal by Thanksgiving: 340
    Favorite workouts: Walking and riding a recumbant bike they are the most comfortable for me to do right now but that is temporary!! I also love workout dvds like zumba and walk away the pounds!
    Other: Married for 5 years to an amazing man, stay at home wife, Christian, one wonderful black lab!!

    Goal for today: Not to over do it on dinner my calories and food choices have been great today and I want to keep it that way!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @tryingeveryday - most definitely! Welcome!! And there is definitely no judging on here :flowerforyou: We all have the same goals, to be healthier & more confident in a nutshell :) and lol at your height claim bc I'm 5 1 1/2 but always just round up, hehe
  • kwinty37
    kwinty37 Posts: 66
    I'M IN!!!! :)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    1. swillis21
    2. curlyleslie
    3. corbansmom
    4. aryabrookenelson
    5. slimdownspicey
    6. sanya77
    7. change_happens
    8. jennifergayfield
    9. tryingeveryday
    10. kwinty37

    Yay! Just a few more ppl and then we have a good size group I'd say :)
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    I'm in! I'll post my info in a bit but want to get in :)
  • jesustapdancingchristy
    Name: Christy
    Height: 5'4"
    CW: 165 or 170, will weigh tonight...
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 145
    Favorite workouts: Insanity, playing softball, row machine, lifting, and hiking/climbing
    Other: I live and work in DC and lack the ability to turn down both happy hours and playing softball. I also watch a lot of baseball and football, which is done with lots of booze and unhealthy food so I have to work to keep myself in check. I know how to eat healthy and how to work out properly so I just need some help on motivation and accountability.

    My Fitness Goal: Play hard at softball tonight
    My Diet Goal: Go home after softball (avoiding beer and onion rings) and eat something healthy along with a protein shake.
    Challenges I anticipate: Post-softball drinking is a tradition and I haven't shown up to this league in a few weeks due to other games so the peer pressure will be rough. But I need to help the boyfriend with laundry tonight anyway so I need to get home afterwards.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I'd like to join!!
  • PoppyinBoulder
    I've been looking for a small group - so count me in please.

    225 by Thanksgiving.

    I'll be back later with more about me.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    13 weeks, so I want to lose 13 pounds.
    CW 160
    GW 147

    My goal for today is to exercise for at least 40 minutes.