Lose Before getting pregnant!!

Burton4 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I am new to this. I found this site on Cafe Mom. What a great way to track your eating and hold yourself accountable for what you eat!! I am very excited about this site! Anyhow, I have been doing really well on my running. I live in a very cold, snowy place, so i run on my treadmill. I run about 3 miles a day 5 days a week. I am pretty good about it, the problem is, I keep eating the darn Christmas cookies and candies!! I love to eat healthy, but It is almost an unwritten rule that I must have some sweets every day!! I can't wait to start tracking all that I eat! I did this once before, and it totally worked for me. I lost most of what I wanted to. I just had unrealistic goals. I want to be 100 pounds again like I was way back when! Now I realize after 2 kids, that is not a realistic goal. I would be happy at 115 again. Wish me luck!! I am just going to loosewhat I can before I get pregnant again! We will be working on baby #3 after the New Year. In the past. I get pregnant RIGHT away, so I may not have much time, but I will do waht I can! I hope after I am pregnant to still use this site to help me stay on track with a healthy amount of pregnancy weight gain. I only gained 18 pounds with my daughter and 21 with my son, so I should be ok, but i usually start off a pregnancy at around 120 pounds, and I am 126 now! I'd love to chat with those of you in a similar situation. Also, please let me know what your opinion about going off the pill and weight loss is? Should I expect some weight loss from that alone? Thanks for all of your support. Good luck to you all!! :smile:


  • Hi everyone. I am new to this. I found this site on Cafe Mom. What a great way to track your eating and hold yourself accountable for what you eat!! I am very excited about this site! Anyhow, I have been doing really well on my running. I live in a very cold, snowy place, so i run on my treadmill. I run about 3 miles a day 5 days a week. I am pretty good about it, the problem is, I keep eating the darn Christmas cookies and candies!! I love to eat healthy, but It is almost an unwritten rule that I must have some sweets every day!! I can't wait to start tracking all that I eat! I did this once before, and it totally worked for me. I lost most of what I wanted to. I just had unrealistic goals. I want to be 100 pounds again like I was way back when! Now I realize after 2 kids, that is not a realistic goal. I would be happy at 115 again. Wish me luck!! I am just going to loosewhat I can before I get pregnant again! We will be working on baby #3 after the New Year. In the past. I get pregnant RIGHT away, so I may not have much time, but I will do waht I can! I hope after I am pregnant to still use this site to help me stay on track with a healthy amount of pregnancy weight gain. I only gained 18 pounds with my daughter and 21 with my son, so I should be ok, but i usually start off a pregnancy at around 120 pounds, and I am 126 now! I'd love to chat with those of you in a similar situation. Also, please let me know what your opinion about going off the pill and weight loss is? Should I expect some weight loss from that alone? Thanks for all of your support. Good luck to you all!! :smile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi! Welcome to the site!
    I am 7 weeks pregnant and still using this site. I am on bed rest so no exercise for me which has made staying in my calories next to impossible since I am kind of at the mercy of what others feed me. lol. I would like to only gain between 20-25 pounds this pregnancy. I've already gained four so I am trying to get it under control. If you have any healthy recipes or advice on how not to gain much I'd love to hear it! I wish you the best in your weight loss journey and in getting pregnant after the New year! :flowerforyou:
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    If you are one that gets pregnant right away stay on the pill until you are ready. I however am not one of those people we have been trying for 6 months and nothing. I went off the pill in JUne and lost a few pounds but gained it back.

    I am trying to get to 120 before I get pregnant but if not I am ok with that I will continue to walk everyday while I am pregnant. Good luck to you.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Do OB-GYNs recommend losing weight before pregnancy? What's the point?

    I could understand if you were so overweight that it was interfering with your ability to conceive. But if you're not in that camp, doesn't weight loss actually make conception less likely?

    But for those for whom weight loss is really just a matter of appearance, what's the point of getting down to that "thin" weight only to undo it with a pregnancy? Why not just concentrate on not gaining more than you should while you are pregnant?
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    My only reason to lose the weight before I get pregnant so it wouldn't be so hard to lose when I gaev birth everyone says that is so much harder to get off after the baby is born that is my reason for trying.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    So it's just for practice? Maybe the solution is just not to gain more than necessary during pregnancy.

    Also, why would doctors recommend bed rest after just 7 weeks?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I've been spotting and cramping for the last two weeks. That's why I am on bed rest. I am hoping it's not for the full term though.
    I can understand wanting to lose weight before getting pregnant. It's harder to keep it down when you are pregnant and to get it off after the baby is born. Plus if you are doing it right, you are healthier when you do get pregnant.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    I have a hard time believing that you'd really be any healthier. Especially those of us in the 120s-130s. 120 is not a "health" number, it's a vanity number! And there's nothing wrong with that... But what's the point? And is it even healthy? Isn't it worth asking your obstetrician first?

    As far as the body is concerned, weight loss is traumatic! You lose minerals that are important for a developing child, and you shift your hormonal balance, possibly making it harder to conceive.

    There's a reason why every diet product says "talk to your doctor first." And when you're trying to get pregnant, you have even more reasons!
  • altazin0907
    altazin0907 Posts: 188 Member
    I think it depends on the individual. I am also losing weight to get pregnant, though I am not 120, it is still safe for me to get pregnant I would just rather lose weight first. My doctors think it is great! Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 100 pounds should not matter. And if dieting makes your body so unhealthy then I don't understand why millions of women are seen by dieticians and put on a strict diet when they have gestational diabetes, because this diet alone will make the smallest woman lose weight even while pregnant and you don't have to be a fat person to have gestational diabetes.
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    It makes perfect sense to want to be healthy and strong before you get pregnant. Delivering a baby is a very physically demanding experience, so being at optimum health at conception is important. It also makes sense to feel better about losing 25 pounds after delivering a baby as opposed to 50 or 60. :happy:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    All I'm saying is that it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor first...

    And for a lot of people, weight loss doesn't make you any healthier. Including me: I'm not going to get any healthier by losing weight. I might actually get less healthy.

    Do I care? No. I care about how I look. That's the only motivation for me to lose weight. And if I l lost so much that I started to look worse, I'd stop. End of story.

    But if I were thinking about getting pregnant, I'd care a lot more about ensuring that I was able to provide the optimal levels of nutrients to a developing child.

    To the point about gestational diabetes, that's a whole different issue. If you're at risk for an obesity-linked illness, you do not fall into the group I've been discussing. There are certainly some women who can afford to lose weight even while they're pregnant.
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    My reason for losing the weight is so that I am not 180 when I give birth i would topple over. I am 137 now and would love to be at least 135 or 130 before i get pregnant buit if im not thats fine. I will find out today if I am or not and i am niot at my goal weight. I have several friends who dont want to eat because they are scared of gaining weight which is horrible to be, thats just being vain.

    I used to weigh 105 before I got in a serious relationship now i am married and have been for 2 years I want my husband to look at me the way he did when we were just dating.
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    When we were trying conceive our first baby, it almost took us 2 years. My OB put me on a pretty strict diet and voila, when I reached my goal weight, we were pregnant the next month. I only lost about 12 pounds, but it worked! So, listen to your doctor and whatever works, go with!!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sorry we highjacked your thread Burton! Welcome to the site and if we can help in any way don't be shy to ask questions!
  • Thanks ladies! You girls crack me up!! I guess everyone has their reasons for what they do. Yeah, I am just kind of wanting to be sure I don't have a ton of weight to lose after the baby. Call it vain, call it selfish, whatever, but I assure you if it came down to the health of the baby, I would ALWAY make the decision that would best ensure a healthy baby. I have been very lucky to get pregnant so easily and have flawless pregnancies and deliveries, but I also keep in mind that does not mean that will be the case this time. There is no way of telling. I would never take it for granted and assume to have everything perfect like the last two. I just want to keep my body healthy and feel good about myself. I will do my part, and the rest is up to God! It is good to hear from you guys though. I think health and fitness is very important. Thanks for your comments!!
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