SIXERS Swimming to Success Week 6 (final week)



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning... weigh in will be tuesday. so got plenty of time. careful, feel better soon.
    amy...have fun camping.
    everyone else enjoy your day. weekend almost here.

    AFM: woke up sore from all the crap i did yesterday. so decided not to run this morning. well, started my toast and i popped the toaster and said yes, you will run. grabed one of the dogs and we took off for week 2 day 1 of C25K. i knew it would feel good and it did. i think the dog will sleep now for the rest of the day. gotta get some running done.

  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    Good Morning Sixers! Last night I did OK. I really need to get a handle on the late night snacking... BUT I am still heading in the right direction. Friends are coming over tonight, so there will be drinks, and food - but I plan to get in some cardio to balance everything out...

    I have been weighing in every morning, just to see how the scale moves... @ 171.2 lbs for the last two days... thinking 169 is possible for tuesday - I seem to stick @ one weight for 3 days or so then it jumps down (if I stay on track).... we'll see.

    Cathy - I LOVEEE your motivation! How is your foot feeling? Didn't you hurt it?
    Clare - Have a great weekend - see you @ weigh in!!!
    Lorna - Take the loss... :bigsmile: but seriously, take it easy... stay hydrated and relax!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    em....i had something removed. doing good. just don't bump it is what i tell my self. didn't you have some friends going down to the bahamas? are they still going now?
    thoughts are with amy as she goes through irene.
    ran errends. and now i think i will get a glass of green tea and read for a bit. it's nice and quite this morning. son still has no power, they didn't turn it on yesterday. so will be today sometime. he is sleeping had to work last night.

  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    cathy - my good friend is moving there... was suppose to have left yesturday... he is waiting it out, and will hopefully leave next week... that is if there is not too much damage @ his job / new home... what a welcoming.

    glad your foot is OK. I used this stuff that looked like deoderant on my feet when I ran a lot... helped with blisters etc... I wish I remembered the name... the stuff worked miracles...!

    off to grab some lunch! I really need to get groceries... this eating out has to end!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    em....better before than after...
    my foot, he wasn't sure if it was a pressure blister or a wart. looked somewhat like both. that's why he sent it off to see exactly so we can treat from there.

    off to get the girls, can't decided to walk or drive. looks like rain. will have to check
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    SON HAS leave....LOL. he comes home and showers and puts his pjs on. guess he's not leaving tonight.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Whoo hoo! The kids went back to school today! That means more regular exercise for me! DH and I walked them to school this morning. Planning on walking them to school tomorrow as well as walking home.
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Clare (Finnhead)...........................SW152.0 lbs / GW147 lbs / CW149.4lbs / PROGRESS -2.6 lbs
    Cathy(chipper)..............................SW 234.8 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS +5.8 lbs
    Em (MLEme)...............................SW 172.2 lbs / GW 168.6 lbs / CW 171.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.8 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).........................SW 153.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 1.0 lbs
    Kim (JDKLove18).........................SW 196.0 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.4 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Amy(Amy_36)...............................SW 203.6 lbs / 193.6GW lbs / 202.CW lbs / PROGRESS -1.6lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 158.5 lbs / GW 155 lbs / CW 157.2 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..............SW 137.2 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 134.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.4 lb
    Julia (jmiller0906)..........................SW 144.2 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 151.2 lbs / PROGRESS +7 lbs

    AmyLou (amylou_24)...................SW 146.8 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 145.4 lbs / PROGRESS -1.4 lbs
    Chris (C110266)...........................SW 277.3lbs/GW 272.3lbs/ CW 277.3lbs/PROGRESS 0.0lbs
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    This is absolutely terrible! I have an AWFUL start to this pregnancy. I'm 18 weeks today and have already gained over 20 pounds! :sad:

    This is just me being really upset, because I KNOW you have to gain weight with a pregnancy, but I VOWED to myself I wouldn't get so out of control with the second one. I vowed to eat healthy and to exercise. If I did that, I promised myself I wouldn't fret over the weight gain, because at least I would be healthy.

    I have done the opposite. I eat horrible, I don't exercise. I HAVE to turn this around. I have to be healthy for this little one growing inside me, and I HAVE to slow this down.

    A friend of mine commented that of course I'm going to go crazy in the first few months, because I've been counting calories and losing weight since having my little boy almost 2 years ago, and so given the chance, I just went crazy since I didn't have to be so strict with myself. But this is really ridiculous and out of control.

    By the end of my first pregnancy, I remember it being so hard just to WALK up the stairs. I really did not want that to happen with my second one, and I feel like I'm on the path.

    I need to turn myself around!!

    Thanks for letting me get it all out. I feel like I've been secretly watching myself behave this way, but by writing it out I'm going to make myself accountable. I am going out for dinner with some ladies from church tonight, so keep me in mind. I NEED to make a healthy choice! I HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE!!! :smile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.... will be fine. don't stress over it, that will cause more weight gain. your having a baby be calm.
    amypyr....yea for school days. my grands have been back for almost 2 weeks already. i have them this week and monday next, the other grandma went out of town.

    ok, son asked us at dinner last night if he could stay until his next paycheck, (6th). we asked why, he has no food money. now he will save money by living 5 minutes from work, (now he is at least 20). he forgot to pay a bill and that will leave him with just gas money. so we said we would buy him food to get him through and he leaves sunday. he gets a fridge on sat. it will be running on sunday for his milk and that. we figure either way we would be feeding him. this way saves him money and gets him out. i know some may think we are mean about wanting him out. he is 30 1/2 it's about time he live on his own. we have been enablers we know that. he has it good living at home. we are buckling down now. it's get going time.
    so monday i will be cleaning an empty room. so excited.

    well off until later
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    shanell just calle they are dismissing school at 11. we aren't even going to get the outer bands. just the coast is. once one school district closes the others follow. why did you send them to school in the first place? charleston county didn't. oh well.
  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    Hi Everyone!

    Cathy - You are not mean - you just want the best for your son and your and your DH. Congrats!!!!! What are you going to do with the room? Guest room, craft room, gym? So many possibilties! :wink:

    Julia - (1) don't stress! we are all here for you, (2) take it one day @ a time, one choice @ a time... hopefully dinner went OK - if not buckle down and eat a healhy breakfast and go for a nice walk - YOU CAN turn this around for you and the little one :flowerforyou:

    Amy - YEAY for you! School is back in! Great job with the walking!!! We are all awaiting the undergrad students return... :grumble: ...

    So today @ school they are boarding up the windows etc... we have to remove all of our electronics / equiptment etc, and they will likely shut the hurricane barrier in the harbor (I work right on the water, and my house is only 1/4 mile away) - they are expecting a category 2 / 3 to hit us saturday /sunday... or it may miss us... who knows... I spent yesturday afternoon putting all the yard furniture away, and anything else that could get blown around... don't want to chance it. Updates soon!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Options careful and stay safe. we are getting the outer bands now. not to bad here 20 miles inland. downtown charleston is suppose to flood. DH says it rains hard, gets little and than strong again. skies turning dark right now. must be a heavy band rolling in.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Options careful and stay safe. we are getting the outer bands now. not to bad here 20 miles inland. downtown charleston is suppose to flood. DH says it rains hard, gets little and than strong again. skies turning dark right now. must be a heavy band rolling in.

  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    Thanks Cathy! We just plan to get some wine and lots of candles and stay indoors... - a romantic hurricane it will be :laugh:

    My power ... and internet ... will likely go out so I will chat with you ladies on Monday / Tuesday!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm doing much better today. I did eat pretty darn good last night, I started with a bowl of mixed fruit which I haven't ever done before. I had a chicken caesar wrap, which I know can be really bad, but I don't think this one was. It was smaller and wasn't loaded with dressing like they are sometimes. Exercise is still "eh" but I do go on walks at lunchtime, so it gets me off my butt and outside. I'll turn myself around! :happy:

    We find out the sex of the baby on Monday (I can't remember if I mentioned that yet). I am beyond excited! :bigsmile:

    Keeping everyone dealing with yucky weather in my thoughts and prayers! Stay safe!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    stay safe em...thinking of you today. can do this. just keep taking those walks.

    weather is so nice now. dog (george) and i are heading out for our run soon. son and DH are getting his fridge today and getting it set up at the trailer. son moves out TOMORROW. we are beyond excited. we think he is too.

    well off to get ready. now if DH would get up. i don't like going in the bedroom and waking him. i knew i shoulda got my clothes out last night.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my pic is hurricane irene as she passed by.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    did my C25K already on a saturday morning. feels so good, even though i did struggle. ate too many carbs yesterday. the wind is still blowing, every leaf that blew george went nuts thinking something was after him. might try taking the blind dog (boomer) next run day (tuesday) i run tues, thurs, sat. that works for me zumba on wed. gym on sun.

    gotta get showered and dressed to go get son food so he can leave. later
  • MLEme
    MLEme Posts: 45
    great pic of the hurricane cathy! we are just waiting... i guess it is the "calm before the storm"... going for a long walk with the pups and BF... I don't think we will get one in tomorrow... unless we go down to the beach to check out the surf.... I LOVE when the waves get big.... unfortunenlty I think they will be closing the "hurricane doors" so we wont be able to get out to the beachs... they literally have doors in the harbor and on the streets... kind of crazy....

    went on a mini binge last night... but recovered nicely today.... did a ton of cleaning... BF and I got the hot water heater working again (pheew... didn't have the $1000 to get a new one).... and I plan to be good tonight!

    talk soon.