

  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Sorry if I repeat what anyone else said. These have worked for me, especially when I had back surgery and needed to not sit for 8 hours straight!

    1. Park your car at the furthest end of the lot
    2. Instead of messaging or calling coworkers for things get up and go to their desk
    3. Take the stairs everytime instead of the elevator
    4. Walk to the farthest bathroom when you need to use it
    5. I haven't done them in a long time, but there are several exercises on the net that you can do in your chair

    Hope these help!
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Just get up and move around as much as possible i walk 5 miles a day to and from work, i always print to the furthest printer, go for a walk on my lunch and so on, i know its tough but you can compensate, i workout 6 days a week, an hour a night with dvds
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I walk on lunch year round b/c Toronto has the worlds largest underground shopping-centre called The Path, about 18 or so km so weather is always permitting ;)

    I make sure to save my breakfast for when I get to work b/c if I eat at home at 6:30 or 7:00, when I get here at 8:30 I'll be starving. I then have 15 almonds at 10:00 and then eat my lunch at 11:30. I go walking at 1:00 and yes, my food is compacted in the morning b/c I love breakfast, I'm not hungry in the afternoon. All of my food is brought from home which is hard considering there are literally over 1000 places to eat in The Path. I'm a frugal deal-hunter so that usually keeps me on the straight and narrow.

    Dinner is ready by 7:00 and I cook a ton of veggies to fill us up. Dessert is oven a granny smith apple and 1 tbsp of whipped pb for only 70 cals and that really fills me up it doesn't make me feel snacky in the evenings.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Is everyone working in an office building with out of date fire codes?

    I'd love to take the stairs but if I enter the stairwell on my floor the doors lock behind you, the only way out is down or at a cross-over floor and you can’t get in at the bottom unless the alarm is going and firemen have to get up.

    Walking 14 flights down daily may be good but down still burns much less cals than up. Plus my downtown little world is Go-Train crazy, if you don't power walk through the cattle, you may not get a seat or worse, miss your train. I love, love, love the train! Been working at this company since April so this is the first time I haven’t carpooled to work with DH, it’s the most luxurious and fastest way to work for sure!
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Is everyone working in an office building with out of date fire codes?

    Our doors all lock as well, but they have badge access so I can get in and out any doors.
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Our office only has stairs, no lifts here!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    I work in an office and sometimes hate the lack of activity.

    Luckily I do actually have an office so I can shut the door. When I'm feeling like I need to do something to get a little activity I will utilize my lunch or breaks to get in some jumping jacks or some push ups using the end of my desk.

    Not for every one, but works for me.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I have an office job as well. I'm not sure how much it is helping, but I sit on an exercise ball at my desk.
    That is such a good idea! Amazing!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I work for the school district and I walk with a group of 3-5 other ladies in my department (Food and Nutrition, ironically enough!) twice a day. We use our government "smoke" break to walk 15 or so minutes in the morning, and then our lunch breaks to walk 30 minutes in the afternoon.

    Since we're in an old refurbished high school building, we use the lower hallway to do laps, since part of it is built like an 'O'.

    Of course, I've heard rumors that people roll their eyes and mutter under their breaths when we come 'round the corners at our 4mph very very brisk pace...but haters gonna hate.

    I also make it a point never to carry small change so I can't use the vending machine, and I always bring food from home for breakfast or lunch. The hardest thing to do is stay away from the goodies people bring in for us!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I too have an office job, and our office requires cover over lunch times so I can't even get out of the building for a walk during lunch!

    I bring my lunch with me every morning, and thankfully a lot of the other girls in the office are also trying to lose weight, so there is less temptation. I do try to get walking my dog every evening after work, which does help too, but I don't get to do as much exercise as I'd like
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yep... I have an office job. Which is why I keep my calorie intake around 1200-1400. I sit all day and don't move much, but once I get off work I hit the elliptical for 45 minutes.
  • tashmash2011
    I'm a receptionist in an office 8-5 and although its a big company with 2 buildings i never ever go any further than downstairs a few times i day, i try to bring in my own lunch so im not tempted to go into town and buy rubbish. We have a lot of clients in during the week and provide lunch for them, anything that's leftover is then put out for us to help ourselves and it's very hard to resist. We also have a little birthday tradition where if its your birthday you bring goodies into the office to share, today i have to admit i slipped up and had a few mini cakes as it was someones birthday.
    I used to get a lift off a co-worker to work as our kids go to the same nursery, i now make sure i walk it as often as possible (unless it's pouring down with rain, which is quite often where i live) I'm getting better in the willpower department but i must admit it's a struggle and i can't help but think sitting at my desk at work all day is piling the pounds on me. I've just tried to be as active as i can once im home, cleaning, playing with my son, going jogging with a friend, 30ds and swimming, rather than sitting down and watching tv as then i would be sat down around 12 hours a day which is where i think my weight problem began.
    I'm hoping that logging onto MFP and seeing exactly what i eat, and what exercise i do (or don't do) is going to keep me on track!