how many calories should I eat?



  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    This is ad nauseum here but will chuck in my 2 penneth! I am set for 1340 but I have manually changed this to 1500, my reason is I train everyday, at 6 pm, and therefore after I get home at 7/7:30 I don't want to eat 800 cals! So I set mine purposely 200 higher so that I can refuel before I train if you get me! It seems to be working - lost 15lb since July and 74 lb over all. Hope this helps

    I understand what you are saying about eating a bunch of calories at the end of the day. I handle it a little differently. I generally have my meals and exercise for the day planned in the morning or the night before. This way I know approximately what my exercise calorie burn will be and I plan my meals through the day to "pre-eat" enough calories so that I can just eat a sensible supper. Been working great!