daft question alert! Saving up calories?

ok first a wee bit background to my daft question. About 14 years ago I did Scottish Slimmers which allowed you 3 meals and 5 'choices' a day. You were allowed to save those choices up to eat at the weekend if you wanted.
We have a Takeaway night planned this week with friends and I just wondered if I ate light all week could I get wired into the prawn crackers for one night?


  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    You cannot "save" calories for a later date. MFP calculates how many calories you need to survive and adds to it based on how active you are so that you can lose weight in a healthy fashion. You need to eat the calories that you've been given, on the date that they're given to you.

    Having said that, if you go to the gym or take a nice run the morning of the day you're expecting to want to splurge, you do get extra calories for the day. It's a better alternative to what could be a potentially damaging plan.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    Sounds like what you are talking about is Zig-Zag dieting. Generally, you count your net calories for the week and not for each day. Some say this helps kick start your metabolism - I don't think its a bad idea.

    Remember, you are learning to eat, not diet. This are the things we will face in the real world.

    Good luck!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Weight watchers used to allow the same thing. I'm not sure that it's something you should do regularly, and you def shouldn't starve yourself all week, but yeah, I think if you have a good week, then you can take on a little extra at the weekend without it causing too many problems. There's only one to find out for sure tho! Good Luck :)
  • wogan121
    It's about a caloric deficit over the long term. When you overdo it on one day sometimes that "cheat day" can go way over the top. I'm a victim of dominos myself and can easily eat 4,000 calories worth. You can have your takeaway if you eat light all week but you'll probably just balance out over the week at best. Have your takeaway just don't overdo it.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Weight Watchers kind of had the same idea... Personally, I dont see any reason why uou can't have a "splurge" day. if you deny yourself cravings, its going to get worse and worse... and if you get back on the nurtition and exercise wagon afterwards, it should be fine :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I wouldn't save up the calories, personally, because hunger might make me binge before. I'd have the curry but aim to stay within maintenance calories so that it can be post-diet training :happy: