creative excercise for the old and or poor! LOL

Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
well thats me. I read an article where a woman asked if it was ok to log her Grocery shopping as excercise. She was quickly shot down by the jocks on here. Well a couple years ago I lost 60 pounds,and yes I logged my energy spent at the grocery store. I am a fitness buff you see. Fifty eight years old, short and squatty, but I know how to burn a few calories. My excercise step is a real stair step. I play " What is love,". Forget all the dancy moves I step on and off, Huffing and puffing like the little train that wanted to! I do have a proper excercise bike,and I do pedal a couple hours every night. Never mind if I'm lucky to get my pulse up to 80, and am only going six miles an hour,as I watch Jeremy catch river monsters or some such nonsense. I occassionaly do a ten minute bike interval thing with some guy online who says it will make me look good naked, but I already know hes dreaming. I have hand weights,and invent silly excercise all the time. I even list the house work.Even as I type Im sitting here rolling around on my stationary ball. I lost two pounds last week,and two the week before. The only fitness stuff you see is either for the young and athletic, or the oldsters sitting in a chair. Nothing for us middle of the road wanna bes. So tonight I tried running,and walking. I took my 14 year old neice to carry the water bottle,and my dog of course.My run was about the same speed as her fast walk, and my Dog almost pulled me over going after rabbits, but at least we had water. The point is you eliptical , marathon running, gym types have nothing on little ole me. Burn what you can the best you can when you can. Good luck to all Jeanie.


  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Good for you!
  • 4awd
    4awd Posts: 2
    I love this!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Yes!!!! Well said.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    There is nothing wrong with being creative..sounds to me like you have a great way of looking at things and are doing what works for you. Keep up the great work! :smile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    All activity is good.
    What happens is that some people say "walking is my exercise" and they are really just copping out.

    If you are truly very active in a "walking around" kind of way that's great.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    Love this!

    I tried the gym for a month. It was a loss of $60. Boo

    I have tons of exercise videos, a treadmill, exercise ball, hand weights, a bike (which I got at a garage sale for $20) and some stretch bands. I used these pieces of equipment when I lost 50+ pounds on Weight Watchers and made Lifetime. I also started running 7 miles a day.

    Then, I had a back injury. No fun.

    Weight gain.

    Now, back is worse, along with spine, right hip and left shoulder.

    Running is not allowed. Nor do I want to. Every time the foot hits the pavement my spine compressing and shoots pain all over my body. No thanks.

    Walking is free. Riding my bike is much more fun. These are both easier on my body.

    I dont take aerobics because I am no coordinated. I would rather look silly in my living room. The only ones to laugh are my 2 boxers and kitty. LOL

    There are plenty of people who do well without running or heading to the gym.

    I wish more people would speak up that worked out at home. Even if all you do is tend to a garden, that is still exercise!
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    OOH read your post. I have had two major back surguries,and a rotor cuff surgurY. Sorry for you difficulties. This wont last forever though. Some things we cant change but try some mild theraputic excercise,working slow. Whatever you can do is good. hope you get well.
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