Calorie intake

I just joined yesterday. This program tells me that I should have 1690 calories a day to lose 1 lb. a week. That seems very high to me. I was about 300 calories under that today. I have been having trouble losing weight and wonder if eating that much is going to help me lose weight????


  • liza27201424
    it really depends on each person
    if your under and still eating really good
    than thats okay
    its just an estimate amount of calories you should have
    i am sometimes way under, or over
    and i continue to lose weight
    dont let it stress you out, if your hungry eat, and if not dont
    make healthy choices
    exercise lots
    you will lose the weight
    good luck! :)
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    One of the hardest things to do is to eat the right amount ofc alories. Goes against your gut instinct that less is better. It's not, eat what it says and you'll find that you will lose weight.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i eat 2500 a day and lose weight =/
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    If you're not hungry and you're meals are balanced I think it's ok. I often eat 200-400 less than what it says I should.
  • Shaitan
    Shaitan Posts: 10
    How much do you exercise though lass? I know I eat at times 3k+ a day but burn a ton of kcal at the gym.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    The number MFP gives you is based on some estimated numbers. First, they calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is the calories you burn if you just laid around all day doing nothing based on your height, weight and age. Then they use a multiplier on that based on your lifestyle selection. That is the calories you would need to maintain your weight at it's present level. This number will drop as you lose weight. From there, they incorporate a calorie deficit based on how much you'd like to lose that is equal to 250 calories per half pound, so eating 300 less would put you more into the range of a pound and a half a week on the deficit.

    Of course, everyone is slightly different, and so the estimates might be a bit off for you. It shouldn't take long for you to see if you're in the right ball park. Good luck!
  • TrishaM1983
    You might want to change your activity level under the settings. If you have your activity level as active or very active the calories you are to consume in a day to be able to accomodate for your enegery level will increase. I currently have mine set as light activity and am allowed approximately 1600 calories a day, but I am also 6'0". Hope this helps!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    it really depends on each person
    if your under and still eating really good
    than thats okay
    its just an estimate amount of calories you should have
    i am sometimes way under, or over
    and i continue to lose weight
    dont let it stress you out, if your hungry eat, and if not dont
    make healthy choices
    exercise lots
    you will lose the weight
    good luck! :)

    Oh thank you for that! That is one of the absolute best replies to this question I've read in a long time!!
  • liza27201424
    it really depends on each person
    if your under and still eating really good
    than thats okay
    its just an estimate amount of calories you should have
    i am sometimes way under, or over
    and i continue to lose weight
    dont let it stress you out, if your hungry eat, and if not dont
    make healthy choices
    exercise lots
    you will lose the weight
    good luck! :)

    Oh thank you for that! That is one of the absolute best replies to this question I've read in a long time!!

    glad to help!! :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You know, one of the best things about MFP has been the discovery that you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight!!
    I started out eating 1660 net calories a day (that means eating my daily allowance plus exercise calories). In the past 8 months I've eaten anywhere between 1450 - 1600 net cals per day and I've lost 20kg (44 pounds).
    So, yes, you can lose weight eating that much!!